
Apparently... I am using an Ad Blocker. Except I'm not !

MS Outlook Email (using Edge) on both my PC's (one 32 and one 64 bit) say I am using an Ad Blocker. This is happening more and more recently. Only thing is... I am not and never have done.

Whatever you are doing MS, keep it up

Are you sure, it might be just an advert that keeps coming up as where it is asking you to sign up for Ad-Free Outlook

Don't think so. I'm on a different PC just now (the 32 bit W10) and at this moment it to is still showing the ad-block message.

Take a look at your HOSTS file - some AV (Spybot?) place entries in there and some sites complain if they don't get a response from a ad server bc the HOST entry points back to the loopback address of your machine.

Windows default lets the router or the ISP DNS resolve the addesses or at a minimum only has the loopback address localhost
::1 localhost

Thanks for the suggestion. Nothing seems to have changed in the hosts file since I installed W10. I'm just using W10 Defender as the sole AV product.

I did wonder if it could have been anything regional seeing as both PC's did this at the same time today. At the moment the ad's are displaying on both correctly.

It's probably just something on the server side.
MS is changing the sync protocol, June 16, on Outlook.com so that all of their messaging products use the same mechanism. Sometimes things slip in ahead of time and then get backed out.

<Snip> MS is changing the sync protocol, June 16, on Outlook.com so that all of their messaging products use the same mechanism.
Looking at the screenshot, the OP is already on the new Outlook.com. However, I didn't know about the June 16 date and am still on the old Outlook.com. How did you manage to find out this date?

Looking at the screenshot, the OP is already on the new Outlook.com. However, I didn't know about the June 16 date and am still on the old Outlook.com. How did you manage to find out this date?
You won't be able to see the change, it's backroom processing.

In the News forum: Windows Live Mail 2012 will not connect to Outlook.com - Windows 10 blog

Some members also made individual posts about receiving an eMail about the change

The change affects Windows Live Mail users if they sync with Outlook.com. The sync mechanism that WLM uses will no longer be used by Outlook.com - a newer sync mechanism will replace what's there. The Mail App will or already does employ the newer sync technology.

IMAP and POP3 mail accounts should not be affected - only MS sync is changing so that all MS messaging products use the same technology.

Just a quick update to say that the 'issue' continues with both my PC's doing this at the same times. Seems to occur in the mornings here (UK). Its doing it now and has been for the last hour.

Its quite good not seeing the ad's Maybe it is an add from MS, as it is promoting 'sign up for an ad free outlook'. Now there's a thought !

Apparently... I am using an Ad Blocker. Except I'm not !