
to many passwords

with windows 10 what's to easiest way to stop using passwords . would it be to buy a webcam and do facial recognition ? or a fingerprint scanner ? i'm using an HP desktop

Hello Calvin,

It really depends on what you feel would be easier, and what's in your budget.

Currently, the Intel RealSense developer kit F200 camerafor facial recognition with Windows Hello is out of stock on a reservation list.

Fingerprint works well.

Fingerprint - Add or Remove in Windows 10

If you like, you can also use a PIN.

PIN - Add to your Account in Windows 10

When I did a clean install of Windows 10 to my SSD, and signed in with a Microsoft account, Windows asked me to create a small 4 digit pin, which is easy to remember . And that is what i have already done. 4 Digit pin works great for me.

is there a way to get something to work on all sites that require a password ? I mean lets be real I now have passwords for everything from music sites to banking sites and its getting harder and harder to keep track of them all
some kinda of biometric that would work across the board maybe ?

If you are conscious about having so many online passwords and not being able to manage them all, there are good ways to stay secure and have easy access to all your site login credentials. I was going to post to you about a service I recently signed up for but then I thought I might be breaking a rule, which I would have been.

is there a way to get something to work on all sites that require a password ? I mean lets be real I now have passwords for everything from music sites to banking sites and its getting harder and harder to keep track of them all
some kinda of biometric that would work across the board maybe ?
Since you're asking directly, I'll risk it. LastPass is what I started using. You create a master password and log in via a browser extension. The extension will save your login info and fill in the boxes for you. It will even generate random passwords for you if you tell it to.

thanks a million !!!

If you are conscious about having so many online passwords and not being able to manage them all, there are good ways to stay secure and have easy access to all your site login credentials. I was going to post to you about a service I recently signed up for but then I thought I might be breaking a rule, which I would have been.
It's fine if you are posting to help with what the OP requested help with, but equally as good free options are preferred if available.

It's just not fine when it's being obviously spammed.

For those that are interested, I find LastPass's browser plug-ins are unstable and crash my browsers a lot (particularly IE). I also find their website to be ugly and difficult to use. Their user interface is horrible (although this might have changed since the last time I used it).

I much prefer Dashlane, which I find more stable and a very simple interface. But, to each their own.

To answer the original question, no... there is nothing built in to windows that will automatically deal with passwords for every service, every site, every app you might use. You need a password manager of some sort, like those mentioned to keep your passwords secure and safe, and easy to lookup.

They have browser plugins that will automatically log you in, generate secure passwords, and allow you to look them up manually if need be.

thanks for the help , I only have about 1/2 a normal persons eyesight and anything helps

to many passwords