
Just bought PC and can't login

I just bought a new Samsung laptop. Went through the setup. Skipped the part on creating a microsoft acount. Set my password for the laptop. Played around for a while and every thing worked great. Shut down PC. Got on this morning and couldn't log in. I know what my password is but I tried every other password I have ever used and can't get in. Booted to Bios to changed priority to boot to USB so I could hack the password, but there is no USB option. Went through all the articles I could find on the web but found no solution.

Any Suggestions? Is it really asking me for a microsoft account login instead of my laptop login?


I can only offer you a direction where you might be able to solve your problem...............................

At the login screen where your password was rejected, at bottom right is a Power icon > click it and Restart option is listed.
Press SHIFT key and HOLD > click Restart > click "Restart anyway" if you were asked to confirm the action > wait > click Troubleshoot ............
You have 2 choices :
1. Reset this PC. That will reinstall Windows 10. You can only keep your files in this option.
2. Advanced options where there are several options you can choose.

All that seems to do is restart it and gets me back to trying to login again. And yes, I was holding down SHIFT when I clicked restart

I can only offer you a direction where you might be able to solve your problem...............................

At the login screen where your password was rejected, at bottom right is a Power icon > click it and Restart option is listed.
Press SHIFT key and HOLD > click Restart > click "Restart anyway" if you were asked to confirm the action > wait > click Troubleshoot ............
You have 2 choices :
1. Reset this PC. That will reinstall Windows 10. You can only keep your files in this option.
2. Advanced options where there are several options you can choose.

I have 2 laptops and Just to make sure since I had not done so for a long time, I tried the same method BEFORE I posted to you.
It worked on both laptops.

No idea why it does not work for you.

Looks like you will need to do a Repair Install.

Repair Install Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade

I can't sign in to do this and I can't get it to boot to USB.

Assuming your Samsung computer has a CD/DVD drive ?

Use another working computer > download the correct iso file > burn it to a DVD.
Take it to your Samsung computer > go to Boot order window and set it to boot to DVD.

When you do get signed in please sign in with your Microsoft Account. It really does make things much easier in so many ways.


Assuming your Samsung computer has a CD/DVD drive ?

Use another working computer > download the correct iso file > burn it to a DVD.
Take it to your Samsung computer > go to Boot order window and set it to boot to DVD.

In the Bios, there is no boot to USB option that I can find


Just bought PC and can't login