
Did a registry fix for KB3081424 and now can't log-in to Windows 10

Hi there, new member big problem.

I recently upgraded to Win 10 Pro and things have been going very smoothly until I jumped the gun on something and made a big mistake.

I have been using my Windows Live e-mail and password to log-in to Windows. I read an article this morning regarding an update which has been giving people issues (KB3081424)with a boot loop and offered a solution. I foolishly applied this solution before even installing the update and it has led to me being unable to log-in to Windows at all using my normal password. Article here.

I have tried:

Changing my password via accounts.live.com/password/reset. No dice.

Holding shift and restarting to access various recovery options. No good because they all ask for my now defunct password.

Using Hiren's Boot CD to try and change my password with ntpwedit. Didn't work. Still asks for password and it still doesn't work.

I am about out of ideas of what to try and it appears my deletion of the ProfileImagePath keys may have seriously mucked things up.

Can anybody help me out? I'm about at my wit's end.

-stonecold (feeling stupid)

Did you take an image or backup before you did that change(from that "article")?? If so you can just restore if not.. well you may have to go back to the original OS and upgrade again.

Hopefully others can help more..
Note: Never take what Gordon Kelly says either serious or do what he recommends., He has no idea about what he's talking about, IMO.


Did you take an image or backup before you did that change(from that "article")?? If so you can just restore if not.. well you may have to go back to the original OS and upgrade again.

Hopefully others can help more..
Note: Never take what Gordon Kelly says either serious or do what he recommends., He has no idea about what he's talking about, IMO.

I didn't, no. But even if I did, it prompts me for a password if I want to load a restore point. Thanks for the reply though. It's such a silly thing I did since I did this for no good reason when I was half asleep before work this morning.

I didn't, no. But even if I did, it prompts me for a password if I want to load a restore point. Thanks for the reply though. It's such a silly thing I did since I did this for no good reason when I was half asleep before work this morning.
These things happen,, next time before you make any changes to the registry.. back it up and back up your system. Problems happen to the best of us.


Eh, I think I'm just going to reinstall Windows 7 Enterprise. Maybe I'll come back to 10 at a later time. At least I already had my important documents and files backed up!

delete me, posted in wrong thread, sorry

Did a registry fix for KB3081424 and now can't log-in to Windows 10