
Screen won't auto-lock

Lock Screen
Screen Time-out settings
Screen: when plugged in, turn off after 5 minutes
Sleep: When plugged in, pc goes to sleep after 10 minutes

Require password on wake-up is checked.

When left alone, the screen will never turn off. Any thoughts as to why? Thanks.

I was having issues getting my Windows 10 PC to actually require a password each time it woke up from sleep. The way I solved my issue was to enable the group policy for Interactive logon: Machine inactivity limit. If you set a value here the computer will lock itself after the set amount of time and require a password on waking up.

This can be found in the Local Group Policy Editor under Computer Configuration/Windows Settings/Security Settings/Local Policies/Security Options/Interactive logon: Machine inactivity limit.

I'm not entirely sure this is exactly what you're looking for, but I think it might help.

How do I navigate to this. I don't see how to get to it in WIN10. Thanks.

How do I navigate to this. I don't see how to get to it in WIN10. Thanks.
Click Start and type gpedit.msc

Before I try messing with the registry, just to clarify: The monitor isn't turning off after the specified amount of time. I also want to require a password when I wake the screen. This worked fine on this machine using previous versions of Windows.

This isn't really the same as editing the registry (that would be regedit.exe). These are just administrative settings that can be set by admins to better control a system. They offer far more control and flexibility than basic control panel items, however it is good to know what one does before setting one.

And yes, this policy will lock the machine after the number of seconds you specify, and then require a password when unlocked. The computer and monitor sleep settings in control panel will still work the same way as they do now, but this policy will set the lockout time. I usually set them all for the same amount of time.

Says Windows cannot find gpedit.msc.

Any idea about this? I found a thread that says gpedit may not be enabled and a registry edit may need to be done to even enable gpedit. Is there another way to get to this feature?

Any idea about this? I found a thread that says gpedit may not be enabled and a registry edit may need to be done to even enable gpedit. Is there another way to get to this feature?
GPEDIT is only available in Windows 10 Pro. Further, and quite sadly/annoyingly, there's no way that I've come across in Windows 10 Home to make it lock when when the screen turns off. This issue along with not being able to get rid of my email address showing on the lockscreen, without using a local account and thus losing the online syncing across accounts, is really grinding my gears!

Any idea about this? I found a thread that says gpedit may not be enabled and a registry edit may need to be done to even enable gpedit. Is there another way to get to this feature?
Only Pro and above has gpedit.msc. You can get it working in Home with the following:
How To Enable Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) In Windows 10 Home Edition

Screen won't auto-lock