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Start button not working, not getting updates
I have 2 pcs with Windows 10. My Acer laptop is working fine at build 10130 but my custom desktop is causing problems. First the Start button and "Ask me anything" do not work. Clicking on the Start button does nothing, pressing the Start button on the keyboard does nothing. Keyboard Start + X will give me a menu. When I click on Ask me anything I get a flashing insertion point cursor but nothing appears when I type. Also my desktop PC is still at build 10074. I think if I can get the build to update it will fix my first problem. How can I force an update? Any ideas please? Regards
Settings > Update & Security > Windows update > Advanced options > Chose how preview builds are installed
---> change the drop down box from Slow to Fast
So far no luck. Setting to fast did not help my Start button problem either. After an attempted update I get errors, I forget what they are now but I did try doing what was suggested with no luck. I tried sfc /scannow with no luck. Then a system restore with no luck. Finally I tried System refresh, still no Start button either clicking or from the keyboard. This is a dual boot machine so I booted Win 7 and did a format of the drive and will install Windows 10 again.
TRy this:
Settings > Presonalize > Start
toggle all switches, try to open start nothing? - throw the switches back the other way and try Start Still nothing ... thorw one switch at a time, trying Start between throws.
This worked for me and a few other members. 10.0.130 has start menu issues this one and a few others - most seem to be be timing issues and settle down once things stop changing on the menu -> not only you pinning, unpinning, installing, uninstalling - but also the stuff Windows is doing (new apps, recent apps, most freq....
icons resize and move posiitions - I just keep putting them back where I want them or if I get too frustrated, leave them where they are
icons disappear from tiles - resize the tile (s) and the icons com back
pin to Start doesn't work - eventually it does
there is a vertical scroll bar on full screen - it shouldn't be there, there's no more screen to see. I roll my mouse to scroll and the bar goes away. This might be causing some of the other visual issues.
newappears under items in the list - mostly if not all non Universal apps (not MS apps) new is indicate when there are no new items
There might be a few others - they're minor and as I said, eventually go away or occur less frequently
Came across a funnyone today - an tile must have moved off screen (a ghost 2nd monitor?) so I didn't see it (there is no 2nd monitor). Still when I clicked an area on the full screen menu, it launched the program. Beats me how all the dots were connected, but I thought it was funny
Too late to try the switch thing but I copied your reply to Word and saved. Tomorrow AM starts the reinstall. Thanks for the tip. I fully understand that this is evaluation software and it will be buggy.
Ok, thanks - you have the workaround(s) for start.
There's a memory leak that might get exposed when you shut down or restart 10.0.130 - it's not harmful. If you see it, just close the dialog window with OK and continue the shutdown or restart.