
cannot open cmd as an administrator (need help urgent)

Hi, I am unable to carry out any task as an administrator as windows prompts to click yes for running program as an admin but does not prompt for the admin password. I am unable to manage user accounts as it does the same. how to get admin rights and where to type in the password. Kindly help

I may not have an answer for you, but I would like to clarify this:
You said ............ as windows prompts to click yes for running program as an admin but does not prompt for the admin password.

If one is onadmin account and is prompted by UAC to confirm the action, all one needs to do is to click Yes to confirm. One does not need to enter the password.
If one is on standard accountand is prompted by UAC to confirm the action, then one has to enter the admin password.

So, are you logged in to your admin account.
Better still.................... are you the admin of this computer ?

I may not have an answer for you, but I would like to clarify this:
You said ............ as windows prompts to click yes for running program as an admin but does not prompt for the admin password.

If one is onadmin account and is prompted by UAC to confirm the action, all one needs to do is to click Yes to confirm. One does not need to enter the password.
If one is on standard accountand is prompted by UAC to confirm the action, then one has to enter the admin password.

So, are you logged in to your admin account.
Better still.................... are you the admin of this computer ?
Hi, thanks for the reply. It actually says : "to continue type the admin password and then click yes" (cannot click yes as it is grey)
and does not give the option to type in the password. where am I supposed to enter the password. I actually do not know whether I am admin or not

You don't know if you are admin or not, but do you have the adminpassword ?
If you don't, forget what you wanted to do.

To find out if you are the admin or not.................

Account Type - Determine in Windows 10

Left click at the Start button >left side, click Settings > click Accounts > right side. You should see your account.
Does it say Administrator ?

You don't know if you are admin or not, but do you have the adminpassword ?
If you don't, forget what you wanted to do.

To find out if you are the admin or not.................

Account Type - Determine in Windows 10

Left click at the Start button >left side, click Settings > click Accounts > right side. You should see your account.
Does it say Administrator ?

It says "local account". Actually I bought this laptop from someone today. I don't know that person knows the password or he also does not have it. how can I get it resolved?

You will have to ask that seller for the admin password.

I apologize in advance.
I have a self-imposed rule................... I don't assist people in retrieving or resetting computer password.

@davidhk, that is a good rule and a rule all forum members should follow. The risk is too high for abuse.

You will have to ask that seller for the admin password.

I apologize in advance.
I have a self-imposed rule................... I don't assist people in retrieving or resetting computer password.

:-( That's very unfair. ok can you please tell me if that person tells me the password then how and where to apply that? and if he does not know it too than should I return this laptop back to him?

You can't say we're being unfair when this looks highly suspicious. You have to admit that.

One would have assumed that you checked to make sure that the laptop was in working order before purchase from such seller.

If it's not, then yeah you should return it for a full refund.

You can't say we're being unfair when this looks highly suspicious. You have to admit that.

One would have assumed that you checked to make sure that the laptop was in working order before purchase from such seller.

If it's not, then yeah you should return it for a full refund.

Yeap I admit it. will check with that person for the password.

cannot open cmd as an administrator (need help urgent)