I have a laptop running Windows 10 that is on and online 24/7. I would like to restart this PC automatically on a regular basis, for example every Friday night at 2 AM
Is this possible somehow, either with Windows itself or with a standalone software?
Yes you can, but why would you want to abuse your laptop like that?
The laptop in question is an an older one with one purpose in life only, and that is to run a small software and feed some data to a website.
I see that this computer sometimes stops working as it should. I do not know if it is caused by the laptop itself (since it is rather old) or if it is caused by the feeding software that is running. Anyway I'd like to see if restarting the computer from time to time stops, or limits, the problem.
Why is it abuse to a laptop to restart it anyway?
In Windows, you can open the Task Scheduler to create a scheduled task to perform the restart.
To restart, run the following command/script at the command prompt:Learn more about shutdown command:Code:shutdown /r
Heres a video on how to do it.
Using task scheduler Automatically shutdown or restart computer - YouTube
Thank you! I followed the video and hope my laptop restarts itself this night
Depending on the age and how it was used, restarting it from Standby can cause it to have a part fail, or even just go down. Depending on how the code was written, you could always use a SBC (Small Board Computer (ie Raspberry Pi)) to do the code upload. The plus side is that you are not using as much electricity as the laptop uses.
The Pi has a much smaller foot print too, when run headless. It will automatically boot up again on a power failure too.
lol, most of the time the complaints are, how do I stop Windows 10 from rebooting when I don't want it to, not how do I make it do it on purpose.
Tell me about it Alpha. There is that setting in Updates to delay the reboot after updates.
Microsoft needs to get rid of the whole reboot after updates. Even Linux has gotten rid of it with the Kernels, since they know that at some point the user will have to shut down or place the machine in a sleep state.