
Microsoft Now Allows Windows 10 Home Users to Disable Auto App Updates

Windows 10 Home users are not allowed to defer system updates, and as we’ve recently found out, they weren't even allowed to disable app updates in the Windows Store, so all new versions that were released through the store were automatically installed on their PCs.

Today, however, Microsoft has rolled out an update for the Windows Store, and as part of this release, the company has also introduced an option to disable automatic app updates.

In other words, if you don't want new versions of your apps to be automatically installed on your PC, just fire up the Windows Store, go to Settings and disable this new option. After that, the Windows Store will let you know that updates are available, but you'll have to manually install them on the computer.


How to Turn On or Off Automatic Download and Install of App Updates by Store in Windows 10

Ugh, that's going to make many with data caps happy.

I want to disable automatic driver updates. Please what is so hard about that Microsoft.

I want to disable automatic driver updates. Please what is so hard about that Microsoft.
Right click This PC>Advanced settings>

Device Driver Automatic Installation - Turn On or Off in Windows 10

Right click This PC>Advanced settings>

I've seen several people report that, that doesn't work anymore? I haven't confirmed it myself though.

I've seen several people report that, that doesn't work anymore? I haven't confirmed it myself though.
I can because it hasn't messed around with my AMD graphics card(CCC) since.

I can because it hasn't messed around with my AMD graphics card(CCC) since.
Ok, not sure why others say it doesn't work then? Something they are doing or not doing? It may depend on when you set that option too. Anyway if you say it works, that's good enough for me.

I can because it hasn't messed around with my AMD graphics card(CCC) since.
I'll second that, but with my Nvidia graphics driver. I prefer to install the updates myself, so I can uncheck some of the options I don't need.

This is great! At least they are loosening the strings a little

I am glad that MS has realised that they aren't big daddy.
I like my updates when I want them NOT when MS says I need them
or, having drivers installed that are not as new as other ones.

Microsoft Now Allows Windows 10 Home Users to Disable Auto App Updates