
My Stuff disappeared

I thought the answer to this problem would be easy to find but all I have found is many, many dead ends. The extremely useful “My Stuff” blurb has mysteriously disappeared from its customary position near the Windows Start symbol in the lower left hand corner of my Windows 10 screen. I used My Stuff very, very frequently and find its absence quite maddening. No matter how I have tried to phrase my question and post it to solve the problem on other blog I have never found an answer. Please, please help. I need My Stuff back. Thank you.

Is this an OEM computer? I've configured about 50 Windows 10 machines so far, and haven't seen something called My Stuff on any of them.

Is this an OEM computer? I've configured about 50 Windows 10 machines so far, and haven't seen something called My Stuff on any of them.
OEM? Yes. It is an ACER I bought at Best Buy a few years ago. I have had Windows 10 about a year. After I acquired Windows 10 when I searched for something in the lower left hand corner Search box I would have the choice of searching the web or "My Stuff." Almost always I would be wanting to find something on my computer rather than the web so I would click on My Stuff. It was a very handy hing to have. I am surprised that you hae configured 50 and never seen this animal.

I have configured about 20 and I have never seen this either, unless you are not describing it correctly.

I don't have the answer, but the OP meant this........................

I don't have that on three machines I am able to check right now. I am not using Cortana, if that has anything to do with it.

The OP is using Cortana search box.
I am not sure it should make a difference whether Cortana is enabled or not. Maybe there is a difference. Mine is enabled.

................... when I searched for something in the lower left hand corner Search box ...................

@ wilhelm45

Are you running Insider Preview or the RTM ?

I have found out that in my other computer running Insider Preview, there is no My Stuff nor Web options.
Instead, above the search box, there are many options to choose from

I just checked my system and that option for My Stuff does NOT exist. I am running Windows 10 Pro retail edition.

I do remember it being there ..but I think it went bye bye after a windows update awhile back

My Stuff disappeared