
Windows 10 TP for phones released

Thanks for the info

Although I am not sure if I am brave enough to put this on my phone yet

I would try it if they supported my phone

My Lumia 1520 isn't supported.

So much for the excitement and preparation. Grrrrr.....

I would try it if they supported my phone

You may just void it's warranty. You may still be able to return it and get a supported phone.

I don't care about warranty, I only bought it to play windows 10 on and all the phones that are currently supported are not very good.

I suppose I'll have to wait it out for a newer build.

My Lumia 1520 isn't supported.

Maybe because they are going to give us the x86 version...

Mine is not supported yet either, gives me a bit more time to read about it before making a decision on trying this later

Which phone did you get John same as Shawn ?

Windows 10 TP for phones released