
Windows 10 Can't Display More than 512 Apps in the Start Menu

Who on Earth would want to have more than 512 apps displayed in the Start menu?’ That’s probably the first question that comes to mind after reading this story’s title.

Well, it turns out there actually are some users who have more than 512 apps in the Start menu, and it seems that they have come across a weird bug that blocks Windows 10 from displaying all applications.

Basically, these users cannot see all their apps when clicking on the “All apps” shortcut in the Start menu, and according to their reports, the operating system randomly chooses which entries to skip.
First discovered in the Insider Preview

The issue was first reported in the Insider Preview, and at that time, Microsoft promised a fix before RTM, but it turns out that the company missed the deadline.

“As Windows 10 Technical Preview is still in developmental stage, you may expect some compatibility issues as of now and some features or settings might not work as expected. The stated issue might not exist in the RTM version of Windows 10,” a company support engineer wrote at that time.

Right now, the company is internally testing a fix and it could be released to users in the coming days.

“An update on this. We now have a fix to the >512 app problem and are currently testing it internally. Thank you for your patience,” a company employee confirms.

If you’d like to check how many apps are currently on your computer and see if you’re prone to this bug or not, simply launch PowerShell from the Start menu (by typing PowerShell) and paste the following command:

Who on Earth would want to have more than 512 apps displayed in the Start menu?’ That’s probably the first question that comes to mind after reading this story’s title.

LOL - that the first question I asked when I saw this title

Anyway hope they fix the issue.

Maybe someone that beta tests software?? Way too many for me.

Anyone with that many apps must be suffering from "app-oplexy."

511, here so I'm good, for now. I think I need a bigger monitor though.

Having some apps is good, so having more must be better.

Who counts them!
"I'm not gonna count them, you count them!"

Who counts them!
"I'm not gonna count them, you count them!"
There's an app for that.

The person that tried to load the 513th app and failed sure must have a lot of time on their hands.

Maybe they should do a clean install of Windows 10 and try again.

They probably know how many installs can be done from a USB flash drive before it wears out.

Hi there

That's the whole point of a CASCADING menu system - you only need to display a few and then "Drill down".

Actually with the better (IMO) search function I don't even bother using the menu much any more apart from starting it up - I then simply type anywhere in the menu area the name of the application -- it appears often after you've only typed 3 or 4 characters.

Things like Mobile phones and tablets which rely on HORIZONTAL scrolling mechanisms for applications might well find the 512 limit a pain - but I hate that whole mechanism of scrolling endlessly anyway.

The W10 search for me works brilliantly -- I hide the bottom search bar - it's easier just to type on the menu area what you want to run. I only use the menu just to see what's installed and sometimes by "Opening File Location" I can pin the application either to quick launch taskbar or Desktop (or both).

It would be even better if you could just type on the desktop area without even having to use the menu at all (perhaps that's what they SHOULD have done in W8) but the current method is just fine.

I agree with the other posts -- some people obviously have TOO MUCH time on their hands -- as they say "The Devil makes work for Idle Hands" !!!.


Windows 10 Can't Display More than 512 Apps in the Start Menu