
Trying to get Microsoft Print to PDF to work

I trying to get Microsoft Print to PDF to work on a new HP Envy with all the Win10 updates and now I'm trying it on my machine and so far no luck on either one. Does the program really work???

I usually use Acrobat, but the owner of the other computer doesn't want to spend the money and doesn't need to encrypt or change the PDFs, they just needs to be able to create them.

Originally I got an error when I tried to print. But I followed the instructions in another thread and deleted the printer and then manually added it back in. (Existing Port = Print to File, Driver = Microsoft Print to PDF)

I've confirmed that Print to PDF is turned on in Windows, and I've turned it OFF and ON and rebooted a few times.

Per some other threads I've changed the Permissions to give everyone all the rights that were available and I've switched my default PDF reader to Edge (confirmed when I open an existing PDF that Edge launches).

But like others have said, I go through the Print function, give the PDF a name and then the box disappears and no PDF appears. I've also done a full search of the computer in case the file ended up in some unknown default folder.

So what gives? Is anyone able to use Microsoft Print to PDF? And if you've also always used Acrobat, give it a try and let me know if you can create a PDF directly from the included Print to PDF.


Just tested it and it is working fine! If you go to Control panel and select "View devices and Printers" you can right click on "Microsoft Print to PDF" and try troubleshooting.

I've already tried the trouble shooting.... In MS's usual wisdom, all they suggested was to make the the printer the default. (And I did try it just in case there was something wacky with the code, but it didn't help.)

I should also note that I did get it to print the original test page when manually reinstalling the printer. But immediately after that I could not get it to print from various programs or another test page from the preference page.

Very strange that it does not work on two unrelated (and one brand new) machines.

Is anyone able to use Microsoft Print to PDF? And if you've also always used Acrobat, give it a try and let me know if you can create a PDF directly from the included Print to PDF.

I am afraid that I have no solution to your problem. I have Acrobat X and now also MS print to pdf.
I prefer the latter; you may use it to make a pdf (and later print it) of a Web page. MS print to pdf does that much better than my (old) version of Acrobat Pro.

Did you do already a google search? It seems a hot topic. Part of the reactions attribute it to MS Edge. No idea why there should be a connection with Edge. After updating to W10 one of my first actions was disabling / de-installing Edge. Maybe, give that a try.

Why not take the simple route and install a free PDF printer application such as Bullzip PDF? It's free, simple and uses very few resources. It's also got a lot more flexibility than the Microsoft PDF printer does.

To PiKo... Yes, I've seen all the issues via a search. But what fixes I've found haven't worked. And since it is so prevalent, and I have the issue on two unrelated machines (old & new) I figured I'd reach out to MS since is sounds like a bug. After 20 minutes the guy was still trying to figure out what I was talking about, then the light went off in his head. "Oh, you know you can select different printers... Use the drop down box to select the MS Print to PDF and it will work." Really sad.

To MSRadell.... Yes, I probably am going to go with something like Bullzip. But it's really a shame that MS can't get this (to me) simple issue fixed. Either give anyone that questions it a download to a different PDF Printer and just tell them to remove the old one. Or in an update remove the bad one and put in a working one. It shouldn't be that tough of a fix for them (especially on new boxes direct from HP or any other major company).

Trying to get Microsoft Print to PDF to work