
Can a file folder open in a window all by itself?

Can a file folder open it it's own window all by itself without any of the drive's other folder structure showing?
I have certain folders I must refer to frequently and I'd like to create a shortcut which would pop one open in a new window without having to wade through the whole drive's folder structure. This was normal on my last pc running XP but I can't seem to duplicate in Win10. Thanks if you can help.

I'm not sure if that is possible, but what I would do is drag the folder on explorer like shown below, that pins the folder like a shortcut so whenever you right click explorer in the taskbar you can quickly open that folder
Apologies for the language, whenever I want to install english language package the update installation fails. This is a known bug so I'm waiting for a fix.

Drag any folder from the folder icon at the beginning of the File Explorer addressbar to desktop to create a shortcut to that folder:

Yep I can do those things thanks....it's not quite the result I'm looking for though as it still opens a window with the entire drive's folder structure shown, requiring several clicks to get the the folder I really want.

Yep I can do those things thanks....it's not quite the result I'm looking for though as it still opens a window with the entire drive's folder structure shown, requiring several clicks to get the the folder I really want.
Could you please explain that to me, seems that my limited brain capacity is not capable to understand it: if you need to open folder X:MyStuffMyFolder, and you create a shortcut to that folder on desktop, the folder X:MyStuffMyFolder will be opened in File Explorer when you double click or tap it.

What are the additional clicks needed after you open that shortcut?

No problem Kari - the red arrows in my illustration are pointing at the folder I want quick access to. It doesn't look too bad in this example but if the folder I want to access is deeper into the folder structure it can involve scrolling and several clicks to get where I want to get with a single click.

No problem Kari - the red arrows in my illustration are pointing at the folder I want quick access to. It doesn't look too bad in this example but if the folder I want to access is deeper into the folder structure it can involve scrolling and several clicks to get where I want to get with a single click.
I am still confused. If you create a shortcut to a folder X:MyStuff1stLevelSubfolder2ndLevelSubfolder3rdLevelSubfolder4thLevelSubfolder5thLevelSubfolder 6thLevelSubfolder7thLevelSubfolderon your desktop, and you tap or double click that shortcut to open it, it will be opened without any additional clicks.

Yes it'll open in it's own window but it's access to the folder structure I'm talking about, which can often be off the bottom of the page. If I want to search for a particular file in that 7th level subfolder I'll still have to scroll down there and find it before I can gain access to the left hand column. What I'd really like is to achieve this result (image below) where I isolate just the group of folders I desire and can readily explore any subfolder from the left hand column by clicking the arrow next to it.

Can a file folder open in a window all by itself?