
Slow refresh of icons

When accessing certain folders

e.g. folder
with loads of movies (mkv)

The file explorer takes ages to show the files
and the green progress bar at the top takes ages to load. All the movie
thumbnails slowly start appearing...

In windows 7 this was kinda

Anyone else getting this and know a fix?


I have the exact same problem. It is driving me crazy. When I open my Video folder where is a lot of 15GB+ mkv files it takes literaly ages to load thumbnails and lot of them won't load ever. During this there is a running process called com surrogate which renders my laptop useless because it is using 100% of my disk speed. We need to fix this as soon as possible.

Same here.

Refer this thread for the solution Solved COM Surrogate using too much CPU, Thumbnail and Icon problem. - Windows 10 blog

I'm having the same issue here. Where my pc/computer window will load very slow because they can't get the icons. I also have a bunch of MKV on my PC.

The easiest fix for now is to kill the COM Surrogate process, and sometimes the thumbnail will generate, but sometimes not. Also if you are having load issues, just kill the COM Surrogate process and it will load fine after that.

It's kind of a hassle, and COM Surrogate keeps using 10% of my CPU usage all the time.

that's not really a fix is it - its disabling something within windows 10.

Microsoft should release something - this didn't happen in windows 7 !

that's not really a fix is it - its disabling something within windows 10.

Microsoft should release something - this didn't happen in windows 7 !
I hope you read the thread I just linked. Because the fix is there, not the one that I said here. It's a fix alright, and you're not disabling anything. Windows 7 doesn't have MKV thumbnail preview as far as I know. Using Icaros thumbnailing, will generate all the thumbnail that COM Surrogate can't, and lessen the CPU usage. Once the thumbnail is generated, it stays in Windows, even when icaros thumbnailing is disabled.

It's a temporary fix, until Microsoft gets their shit together, and I doubt it will be fixed anytime soon.

Do you exactly know what else com surrogate does or is used by though? I don't like to just disable things willy nilly - I think we all would like Microsoft to get their finger out and fix it.... was fine in win7

What it does you can read it here What does the COM Surrogate do and why does it always stop working? - The Old New Thing - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

As I've already mentioned, you don't even have to disable anything. Just use icaros.

I have this problem too with slow icon update. As mentioned earlier, this was not a problem in Windows 7.
Microsoft, wake up!
PS! My IconCache.db is only 80 KB and I don't have any MKV files on my PC.

Due to the problems, I've disabled MKV thumbnails with ShellExView, this way:

You can download the program here:

Slow refresh of icons