
My computer has the wrong time!!

Asus laptop, Windows 10.

My settings all appear to be right but all of a sudden my computer says it is 10:52 PM when it really is 9:52 EDT (Gainesville FL), yes it does say to detect daylight savings time. I rebooted, no luck.

Help please... Bob

Hi Bob, welcome to the windowssh blog.

Sounds strange, especially thinking that EST is one hour less than EDT, not one hour more. When your current time is 9:52 PM EDT but the PC thinks it's EST, it would show 8:52 PM, not 10:52.

Check if you have time zone set automatically, if not set it:

If you for any reason do not want to set time zone automatically, be sure the set the correct time zone:


Yes, it does sound a bit strange howeverI've also had something similar happen on my W10 install. One morning and I noticed it was 1 hour wrong (can't remember which way now).

Synchronising the time (so from Kari's screen shot you would select 'change' under Change Date And Time) and going to 'internet time' set it back correctly. That was weeks ago and our summer time change happened correctly.

I've also had a W10 pc that was a few 10's of seconds incorrect. Again synchronising this one fixed the problem.

Odd... but it seems these are real issues.

Check the time set in your BIOS.

Hi Bob, welcome to the windowssh blog.

Sounds strange, especially thinking that EST is one hour less than EDT, not one hour more. When your current time is 9:52 PM EDT but the PC thinks it's EST, it would show 8:52 PM, not 10:52.

Check if you have time zone set automatically, if not set it:

If you for any reason do not want to set time zone automatically, be sure the set the correct time zone:

I turned on the set time zone automatically and so far so good.

Thanks... Bob

I turned on the set time zone automatically and so far so good.

Thanks... Bob
You are welcome

Hi Bob!
You have a friend and PC Tech just a few miles south of you, so drop me a line if you need any PC help.
Cheers mate!

I'm not sure I want to know but how do you know you're only a few miles from me? Please give me more specifics so I can look you up if needed.

Thanks... Bob

I think you told us where you are in post #1

Gainesville FL

Something odd happened on Windows with the DST switch this year, and it wasn't just Win10. I have 3 PCs of various vintages; 2 have gone through an upgrade in place from Win7 to Win10; one is still on Win7. The Win7box and one of the Win10 boxes did not successfully switch to DST. All three were set up to automatically change, and all three have correctly switched in the past. I manually changed the two needing adjusting. Now I'll see what happens in the fall.

My computer has the wrong time!!