
Thumbs.db and desktop.ini files. Do these need to be visible?

Yes... jt's just a nit... Any improvement in what people use for hours on end every day would likely be appreciated, IMO.

I understand what the Thumbs.db file is for.... we've had them in Windows for forever. Do we have to continually look at both these files though? I'm starting to think that the display of them is unnecessary. Can Microsoft somehow render them invisible?


They are normally hidden unless you change the setting to Unhide protected operating system files.

Hidden Files, Folders, and Drives - Show in Windows 10

On windows seven I delete the desktop.ini's without issue but sometimes they get recreated and I delete them again. I am not sure about the Thumbs.db, I never use thumbnails.

They are normally hidden unless you change the setting to Unhide protected operating system files.

Hidden Files, Folders, and Drives - Show in Windows 10
Yep. That is probably how it happened. But I thought that it was under Folder options. So why are the Thumbs.db and desktop.ini files showing up on my desktop? This is where the files are the least ascetically pleasing.


On windows seven I delete the desktop.ini's without issue but sometimes they get recreated and I delete them again. I am not sure about the Thumbs.db, I never use thumbnails.
I know. I do the same thing.. Like I mentioned... it's a nit... But why do they have to be there in the first place?

BTW: AFAIK-- Thumbs.db has to do with the display of photo file icons. The actual photos are shrunk down and stored on those files - one for each folder, if it contains any photo files. Why it's on the desktop is a good question. Maybe I had a photo file out there at one time? It's weird for that to be out there though. As I mentioned, I thought it was only for folders and configurable under Folder Options.

Bah,the mobile version of this site makes it impossible to edit your post without deleting it.

I'm starting to think that the display of them is unnecessary. Can Microsoft somehow render them invisible?

Microsoft has provided such an option to hide those files. You, however decided to flip that setting to show them. So turn it back to what is was and you'll no longer see them.

When people ask for security holes as features: Hiding files from Explorer - The Old New Thing - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

I want to see system and hidden files in all of my folders. But not on the desktop. So why are desktop files affected when I set a Windows Explorer 'Folders' option setting? Does that sound right to you that they should be?

Perhaps desktop items should be excluded from this setting? And put a separate setting available only for the the desktop - when a user right-mouse clicks on it?

It's just a suggestion... about a nit. Thanks for reading.

The desktop /is/ a folder. And no, you do not need to see hidden system files. The only things hidden from you is stuff like desktop.ini, nothing important is hidden.

The desktop /is/ a folder. And no, you do not need to see hidden system files. The only things hidden from you is stuff like desktop.ini, nothing important is hidden.

There are reasons to unhide files/folders. I am not particularly taking about the desktop folder, I am talking about other hidden folders & file as well. Sometimes you need to access that file, folder to add, remove or delete a file. Sometimes 3rd party security/tweak programs need access to that stuff. I never heard by hiding protected operating system files Microsoft was only talking about the deskop.inis & thumb.dbs file (if thumbs are turned on)

Another reason to have them unhidden, is if you are in the insider program you get access to the install.esd for newer builds that don't have iso images. So, you can convert install.esd to an iso image for a clean install.

Thumbs.db and desktop.ini files. Do these need to be visible?