
I need help to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro from Windows 7 ultimate


For over a week I've been trying to upgrade my Windows 7 Ultimate to Windows 10 Pro and after several problems I came to one (for the last 3 days) that I don't know any longer what to do.

I reach the 76% overall progress with 1 or 2 % on the Configuring Settings stage where the computer reboots, returns to Windows 7 and displays the error 8007002C-400D.

I uninstalled the anti-virus program went to the SoftwareDistributionfolder I did as suggested by Microsoft but to no good.

I really need some help to complete the upgrade.

Thanks in advance.


the solution is probably simple.
Make sure to uninstall your 3rd party Antivirus like Avira or AVG or Kaspersky.
Make sure NOT to have any USB sticks or external drives connected
Make sure that your C drive (system drive) has at least 10GB of space (preferably a lot more)

The error is usually solved my uninstalling the Antivirus software

good luck

Hi Paolo,

What method are using to upgrade? Via Windows Update or via installation media (usb or dvd)?

Thanks for the help.

I already uninstalled Kasperky Pure.

I have one hub and I don't remember if I disconnected it.
Should I also remove the device?

I'm upgrading via Internet but I also have the ISO.
Is it better to upgrade from a DVD? Or an USB?

I'm upgrading via Internet but I also have the ISO.
Is it better to upgrade from a DVD? Or an USB?

Some people who have had your symptoms and error code have subsequently managed to upgrade successfully via installation media (USB or DVD probably doesn't matter). Just make sure you begin the installation media upgrade from WITHIN Windows

TIP: If you haven't done so already, I suggest you make an image of your current Win7 installation before upgrade. Or backup just your important files if you are short of space.


I'll do that latter in the day and let you know the result.

Some people who have had your symptoms and error code have subsequently managed to upgrade TIP: If you haven't one so already, I suggest you make an image of your current Win7 installation before upgrade. Or backup just your important files if you are short of space.
Do you use the Windows backup? Or any other one?

I use Paragon for imaging and backups but it's relatively costly. Most people here on this forum seem to swear by Macrium Reflect Free. Or use whatever you are comfortable with if it works and is reliable.

Thanks for the help.

I already uninstalled Kasperky Pure.

I have one hub and I don't remember if I disconnected it.
Should I also remove the device?

I'm upgrading via Internet but I also have the ISO.
Is it better to upgrade from a DVD? Or an USB?

I had some difficulty using the upgrade within Windows and what worked for me was using the ISO from MS on a USB. One thing I would suggest that if you're using a upgrade install from within Windows 7, make sure that automatic updates is disabled. for me that was keeping the installer from updating the files, and runnign properly. Once I turned that off, upgrade went smoothly.

I had two WD external drives connected to both my systems
when upgrading to Win10 had no problems with upgrade, so i don't feel having an external drive cause any problems for the upgrade.

I need help to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro from Windows 7 ultimate