
W10 screwed up my laptop

I upgraded to w10 pro from w7 pro.

I thought all was well, but yesterday the screen went sideways - tried to drag it and went to settings , no help.

I restored a saved image (Macrium) and I got the screen back, but it did it again.

I installed an external hdd ( has also an image for w7) and it froze my screen and I lost my mouse.

I installed the drive into my pc and it is perfect.

I'm going back to w7 and maybe I'll get w10 in the future.

BTW - the problems started after HP updated the BIOS.

Could that have anythig to do with it?



Try updating the GPU driver. Thr bios update would not cause this.


I'll try that.

Why do I not have that problem on w7, though?

Try updating the GPU driver. Thr bios update would not cause this.
I second this

Tried that - says driver up to date.

Tried that - says driver up to date.
The only other thing is the Synaptics driver which can cause this behavior with the newer version of that software.

Offscreen Window - Move Back to Desktop - Windows 7 Help blog

The only other thing is the Synaptics driver which can cause this behavior with the newer version of that software.

Offscreen Window - Move Back to Desktop - Windows 7 Help blog
Thanks for that info.

The only problem is when I launch w10, that behavior makes it impossible to do anything.
Can I download to the w7 that I reverted to and when it does the upgrade to w10, will it be included?

Also, your link refers to w7 - will it work in w10 also?



Did your Windows 10 upgrade get activated? If so, why not do a clean install?

Thanks for reply,,
Yes, when I did the upgrade it was activated.

Isn't that a clean install?

Also, the driver for mousepad suggesested in previous posts is already there and it says it is the latest driver.

I upgraded to w10 pro from w7 pro.

I thought all was well, but yesterday the screen went sideways - tried to drag it and went to settings , no help.

I restored a saved image (Macrium) and I got the screen back, but it did it again.

I installed an external hdd ( has also an image for w7) and it froze my screen and I lost my mouse.

I installed the drive into my pc and it is perfect.

I'm going back to w7 and maybe I'll get w10 in the future.

BTW - the problems started after HP updated the BIOS.

Could that have anythig to do with it?


If you right click on desktop and select Orientation make sure you don't have Landscpae (flipped) or Portrait (flipped) selected.

W10 screwed up my laptop