
Win 10 - Explorer issues + PC won't shut down or wake from sleep mode

Hi All,

I've already had one PC problem solved via this forum since upgrading to windows 10 and hoping I can get some help with a few more!

1. My PC no longer shuts down. It starts to shut down but then never turns off. I have to hold down the power button to turn it off. Really weird.

2. When my PC goes into sleep mode it will no longer wake up. I've pressed every button on the keyboard but nothing wakes it up. The only way to get it back on is to hold down the power button to switch it off, then switch it back on again.

3. Now that Edge has replaced Explorer, I'm having trouble with some websites and also there's an issue with Java. Windows 10 removed Explorer but when I've tried to download it I get the message:
Looking for Internet Explorer? You're in the right place, but Internet Explorer requires a Windows PC.
Well, I do have a Windows PC!

Windows 10 is so annoying that I hate my laptop now. For the first time ever, I'm thinking of going with Apple.

Please help!


1. My PC no longer shuts down. It starts to shut down but then never turns off. I have to hold down the power button to turn it off. Really weird.
This indicates that there's some background process got hung and cannot be terminated so Windows is waiting.
2. When my PC goes into sleep mode it will no longer wake up. I've pressed every button on the keyboard but nothing wakes it up. The only way to get it back on is to hold down the power button to switch it off, then switch it back on again.
There might be options in your BIOS that you can enable to use "Any key", "None", Define A Key etc... to wake the computer up.
Check that out under Power Management.
3. Now that Edge has replaced Explorer, I'm having trouble with some websites and also there's an issue with Java. Windows 10 removed Explorer
Windows 10 did not remove Explorer.
It's either in : "C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe"
Or: "C:Program Files (x86)Internet Exploreriexplore.exe"
If it's not in the above folders then you need to turn it on from "Programs and Features" as shown below:

This indicates that there's some background process got hung and cannot be terminated so Windows is waiting.

There might be options in your BIOS that you can enable to use "Any key", "None", Define A Key etc... to wake the computer up.
Check that out under Power Management.

Windows 10 did not remove Explorer.
It's either in : "C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe"
Or: "C:Program Files (x86)Internet Exploreriexplore.exe"
If it's not in the above folders then you need to turn it on from "Programs and Features" as shown below:

Thanks for your response.

Shut down issues -
Any ideas what this might be or how I can find out and fix this?

Sleep issues - I looked under power management but can't find any options about how to wake up the PC. Are you able to give me a specific path to follow so that I can find the settings I need to change?

Explorer - You're right, Explorer was in there (x86). Don't know what Edge is all about then.


Download the attachement, unzip and double click on it to merge into the registry. This what I modified to speedup the shutdown process
  • speedupShutdown.zip (332 Bytes, 4 views)

Win 10 - Explorer issues + PC won't shut down or wake from sleep mode