
Windows 10 Right-click Menu Bar Icons Not Appearing

Recently, I've noticed that some the right-click menu bar icons haven't been appearing, among in some other places.

Screenshots: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
First image: Right click menu.
Second image: The taskbar preview close button not appearing.

Any help would be appreciated!

Right click on start, click command prompt admin

Type sfc /scannow

That will check your system files for damage

Right click on start, click command prompt admin

Type sfc /scannow

That will check your system files for damage
Thanks for the reply. I did as you recommended, and this is what I got:

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It says Windows found some corrupt files, however it was unable to repair all of them. I went into the logs and opened the logs file but I'm not sure how to read/use it to find my problem.

Also, I could do a reboot of my computer to be sure, just in case the problem was fixed. I don't know if that will affect the logs though.

Time to run the DISM tool

Go back to the elevated command prompt

Type DISM /online /Cleanup-image /checkhealth

This will check to see if your Windows image is repairable

If repairable, type
DISM /online /cleanup-image /restore health

This will fix the Windows image.

After repair, do the sfc /scannow again and it should work

Time to run the DISM tool

Go back to the elevated command prompt

Type DISM /online /Cleanup-image /checkhealth

This will check to see if your Windows image is repairable

If repairable, type
DISM /online /cleanup-image /restore health

This will fix the Windows image.

After repair, do the sfc /scannow again and it should work
Doing now. Thank you so much for your help so far.

Stuck at this step. Not sure where/what to do with the "source files"?

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Repair a Windows Image

Read though this. This should help with source files.

Hope that helps. I had to do this on Windows 8.1 once.

I read it, however I still don't understand why the command prompt says it could not find the source files. Where is this source file located?

The source files are found on the WIM file "ESD" on the Windows Installation Media Disk.

If you don't have install media, you will need to download the Windows 10 media creation tool. Google it, and you should be able to find it.

Use the tool to download Windows 10 x64 bit and it will give you the option to copy to a flash drive or burn to DVD.

Download the ISO, and you must mount the ISO.

Davidhk has the instructions. I didn't have to do the source file detect on Windows 8.1, but Windows 10 probably requires it

Stuck at this step. Not sure where/what to do with the "source files"?

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RE : Source files could not be found

Please follow the instructions listed below...................

Use the Tech bench link to download your version of Windows 10 ISO file:

Once you have the iso downloaded, right click at the ISO > click Mount> leave it there.
Then open the same elevated command prompt and copy and paste this................

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /wim:H:sourcesinstall.wim:1 /limitaccess

Note :H is the drive where the iso is mounted. Change it if your driver letter is different.

When it is completed, you should get the report that the operation is successful.
Now run the sfc /scannow again. It should be ok this time.

Windows 10 Right-click Menu Bar Icons Not Appearing