
Win 10 driving me mad..please help

I am new to the forum and I will be grateful for help. I upgraded last July from win 8.1 to 10 and every thing went well and I really liked win 10 until last week. The problem started when I tried to play a movie in the bluray drive and discovered that it was not working. The drive has disappeared from (this pc). I dont know when did that happen as I did not need to use the drive since the upgrade. All other drives for various memory cards are showing as (USB drive) instead of their specific name but they are working. after failing to bring my bluray drive back to life I re-installed win 10...it did not sort out the problem but now I got more problems:
1- the task bar stops working randomly and I will have to reboot the pc to get it working

2- I cant defragment any drive as it showing as (defragmentation not available). Actually it is showing my main drive (2TB) as SSD when it is not. I do have 32 GB SSD in the pc but all hard drives are showing as SSDs.

Any help please?

Is it saying that your drives are partitioned? Had this probelm on my 2nd PC, do you have the option to wipe your HDD & SSD clean and partition them correctly. Then basically try installing W10 again? Some of the files corrupt when you completely reinstall 10.

2- I cant defragment any drive as it showing as (defragmentation not available). Actually it is showing my main drive (2TB) as SSD when it is not. I do have 32 GB SSD in the pc but all hard drives are showing as SSDs.
On this one, try executing "winsat formal" from an elevated (admin) command prompt (but run plugged in if it's a laptop, not on battery) and then see if defrag and optimize shows your HDD differently.

Since installing windows didn't resolve your problem, I'm not convinced the blu-ray drive issues are the fault of Win10. Sounds more like a hardware failure.

Unless I am mistaken, Windows 10 does not natively provide the necessary software for Bluray. You have to install the software to play Bluray drives.

For the Disk Defrag, look at the bottom of the page and see if it is turned off or on. You can turn it on and manually analyze and defragment any drives, but never defrrag an SSD. After you are finished you can turn it off again or set up a schedule. If you set up a schedule, make sure the SSD is not included in that schedule.

thank you guys..i will try posting some images for the problem. Regarding the bluray software..I do have it on CD but cant install it as the drive is not recognised by the PC..it keeps spinning but nothing happens.

This is what I get when try to defragment..Please note that that my c drive is not SSD !!

and this is the view of my PC..all drive names ave disappeared and the bluray drive has gone completely

On this one, try executing "winsat formal" from an elevated (admin) command prompt (but run plugged in if it's a laptop, not on battery) and then see if defrag and optimize shows your HDD differently.
Thank you ..tried that but did not work.

Also..any suggestion for the non working task bar problem?

thank you guys..i will try posting some images for the problem. Regarding the bluray software..I do have it on CD but cant install it as the drive is not recognised by the PC..it keeps spinning but nothing happens.
So the optical drive does spin? Have you tried reinstalling the drivers for it?

Win 10 driving me mad..please help