
My All-In-One PC freezes sometimes

Hi, I have an All-In-One PC, a HP IQ810, with an Intel T8100, 4GB RAM, 640GB HDD, GeForce 9600M GS...

The PC has been used by kids and it was all messed up, slowly and hanging up, so I formatted it (it had Vista), and installed Windows 8.1 Pro. Everything is working completely fine, but surprisingly, the hung-ups still happen.

It's not under load environments. One day I left it turned on during the night, doing nothing, and next morning it was frozen. You try to move the cursor but it does not move, it's frozen everything. I have to hard reset it pressing the turn off button for 3 seconds.

This is what I've done to try to diagnose the PC and find the piece of hardware (it must be hardware related), but I've failed finding it out. So I come here hoping some of you guys help me out. This is what I've already done:

1. I've checked temperatures of the CPU, GPU and HDD, and all of them are totally fine: 60ºC, 70ºC and 35ºC maximum, respectively. So it's not a temperature issue.

2. I've executed Crystal Disk Info and the state is Good, no warnings or errors, everything seems OK.

3. I've run for more than 16h memtest to check if the RAM is OK, and there was not a single error or warning, everything OK with the RAM.

4. I've run a test for the CPU and it was OK, nothing weird.

What else can I try?

I'm shocked, this is so weird, I've tried everything I know and still the problem is there.

Thank you!

HDD Scan reports this:

Hitachi HDS721064CLA332-JP2640HP04M7PH-SMART.mht
HDDScan S.M.A.R.T. Report
Model: Hitachi HDS721064CLA332
Firmware: JPGOA3BF
Serial: JP2640HP04M7PH
LBA: 1250263728

Report By: HDDScan for Windows version 3.3
Report Date: 11/02/2016 0:20:18

Num Attribute Name Value Worst Raw(hex) Threshold

001Raw Read Error Rate 1000950000000000-0000016

002Throughput performance 1331000000000000-006B054

003Spin Up Time 15810000000500F6-00EB024

004Start/Stop Count 0990990000000000-160D000

005Reallocation Sector Count 1001000000000000-0000005

007Seek Error Rate 1001000000000000-0000067

008Seek time Perfomance 1320300000000000-0022020

009Power-On Hours Count 1001000000000000-19ED000

010Spin Retry Count 1001000000000000-0000060

012Device Power Cycle Count 1001000000000000-0A94000

183SATA Downshift Error Count1001000000000000-0000000

184End To End Error Count 1001000000000000-0000097

185Head Stability 1001000000000000-FFFF000

187Reported Uncorrectable Error 1001000000000000-0000000

188Reported Command Timeouts 1000960001AB0C0F-1468000

189High Fly Writes 1001000000000000-0000000

190Airflow Temperature 05604944 C 000

190Airflow Temperature Maximum05604944 C000

190Airflow Temperature Minimum05604927 C000

192Emergency Retract Count 0960960000000000-1615000

193Load/unload Cycle Count 0960960000000000-1615000

194HDA Temperature 13612044 C 000

194HDA Temperature Maximum13612051 C000

194HDA Temperature Minimum13612017 C000

196Reallocation Event Count 1001000000000000-0000000

197Current Pending Errors Count 1001000000000000-0000000

198Uncorrectable Errors Count 1001000000000000-0000000

199 UltraDMA CRC Errors 2002000000000000-0009000

My All-In-One PC freezes sometimes