
Disappearing trick !!!!!

Hi everyone = I'm still very much a newbie to windows 10, and am slowly finding my way around, and if I am honest quite like it. HOWEVER..........

Now running into problems.
Today I find that when I click on 'Edge' it loads, then promptly disappears.
When I click on search, up comes a box showing Cortana, and that promptly disappears as well.

Would I be correct in saying these are ongoing problems yet to be fixed by MS, or is there a workaround?
Is there a microsoft fixit available?

Like it has been said, Windows 10 will improve immensely over time. You've already just witnessed a major improvement with the disappearance of Edge. See? Microsoft kept it's promise.

I jest, however this may provide you some assistance.

Windows Edge opens then closes immediately - Microsoft Community

Hello Skofab,

If you like, you might also see if resetting Microsoft Edge may help with it.

Microsoft Edge - Reset to Default in Windows 10

Hello Skofab,

If you like, you might also see if resetting Microsoft Edge may help with it.

Microsoft Edge - Reset to Default in Windows 10
Just curious, does that wipe away private data like it did in IE, or just program settings?

Thanks everyone for your input.
I have tried to add an additional account - this was not possible - as soon as I clicked add new account, a small grey box appeared with no text, then promptly disappeared. I am convinced that somehow this centres in my problem, as I cannot see my username in C:Users

I have 'reset edge'
I have done the powershell..... restore health action
sfc /scannow throws up no errors. All this plus other fixes all to no avail.

My problem is compounded in that I have passed the recovery date to get back to windows 7 - so I suppose I will have to sit this one out until MS come up with some answers!
Forgive a newbies ignorance - but is it possible to download windows 10?

Are there many others with the same problem?

Again thanks for your help = keep the ideas coming

Sure, multiple ways to download the ISO for Win 10 and then try the upgrade again or clean install (save your data first please):

Windows 10 ISO Download
Windows 10 - Upgrade Installation
Windows 10 - Clean Install

Thanks for the info Xtruker

I have had a quick look at Brinks definitive 'how to', and will have to look again more carefully to see if making an ISO disk is within my capability.
This latest install seems to have problems that yet have to be overcome by many people - and so far with no positive results.

Search - window closes after seconds
Edge - window closes after seconds
Cannot get the user name to appear in C:users
Cannot add a further user account.
No answers found to date.

Must try to get back to Win 7 Pro - and try a win 10 upgrade when it is possibly a little more sorted.

I, and most people do not have any of those problems. Don't know why, perhaps it's the hardware configuration, installed software or how they uses their computer but I have had no significant problems with any of the Windows 10 releases, from the first preview release last October right up to the current 10586 build.

If I were you, I would backup my data (image backup the entire drive would be best) then do a Clean Install of Windows 10 following the link I posted earlier.

Just curious, does that wipe away private data like it did in IE, or just program settings?
Hello Jody,

That would completely wipe everything in Microsoft Edge to have it back to default.

Hi Everyone....
WHAT A DAY!!!!!!!!! I was determined to revert back to Win7 (old faithful). However the one BRILLIANT thing I did was to firstly make a Windows 10 install/USB stick - which I found surprisingly easy to do (I am a novice).

I then proceeded to use my HP recovery disk to get back to W7, and somehow made a complete dogs breakfast, and in the end had a non booting Laptop.
I then remembered that I had produced the USB stick for a clean install. Joy of Joys, all went well, and at the moment it seems that I now have a fully functional Windows 10 installation, WITHOUT all the quirks that I previously reported.

From my own limited experience - it seems that a clean install is the only way to go

Disappearing trick !!!!!