
No taskbar properties in the context menu of the taskbar

Hi guys,

Yesterday I installed Windows 10 Pro and after sometime I noticed that when I right-click on the taskbar I don't have "Properties" option which normally should be.

Could you please help me to sort it out.

Thank you.

You appear to be running the Anniversary Update (1607). A number of old 'control panel' style windows (such as the one for taskbar Properties) have now been move into the Settings app. Click 'Settings' and you'll be taken to the new location for all the taskbar properties settings.

Doesn't look like Anniversary version. How do I check it?

Go to cortana, and type winver

That will tell you your Windows Edition and version.

Hello sacredboy,

If you click on "Settings", it will open to the taskbar settings page now only located in Settings.

Go to cortana, and type winver

That will tell you your Windows Edition and version.
If version 1607 means Anniversary the I have this one installed on my laptop.

Hello sacredboy,

If you click on "Settings", it will open to the taskbar settings page now only located in Settings.
Hello Brink,

Yes, I see Taskbar settings when I righ-click on taskbar first and then click on Settings. However, it seems that some taskbar settings are missing or at least I can't find how to make icons on taskbar smaller then they are by default.

The tutorial below can help show you how to use small or large icons/buttons on the taskbar.

Taskbar Buttons - Use Large or Small Size in Windows 10

Hi Brink,

I so ashamed I didn't notice "Use small taskbar buttons" option before.

Thank you for the link.

Don't be ashamed. We're still all learning Windows 10 and all the constant changes.

No taskbar properties in the context menu of the taskbar