
What i am annoyed by Windows 10

Hi folks

This is not a troll thread.

I managed to upgrade to the current OS from my previous Win 7.

Just something to share with the readers. Maybe there are suggestions on improving my whole setup

1) Slow bootup. ( Even when i change the settings to straight boot to the start page ( ignoring the login screen ), it still stops at the login page, stating no internet access and wants me to key in the password. Wifi was working well on my phone and others although this is random, but not rare.

2) Too slow when giving suggestions to keywords, for e.g. when im key in calculator at the Search Windows, it will not display anything or list out applications for awhile. I have to click the icon again.

3) The taskbar would not autohide even though it was set that way. I did not have any unread notifications. I have to restart to rectify it.

Hardware-wise, nothing has changed except that i have added additional 8gm DDR3 rams. Main OS drive is a Sandisk SSD. I have removed few startup programs, and it is still not as fast.

Please advise.

Thank you

Welcome to the blog, as you have multiple issues, it's better to do a clean install after saving your programs and important data to an external hard drive.
Create iso image and do a clean install:ESD to ISO - Create Bootable ISO from Windows 10 ESD File - Windows 10 blog

When I first upgraded my laptop which is a core 2 Duo initially booting and running in the beginning were slow and after I'd say 3 or 4 days it all settled down. Now it runs pretty much like did with the 7 premium. My suggestion is to let it run a few days to allow it to do its house keeping.. Then make the call to either go back or not..

When I did the upgrade on my laptop. I just did the upgrade, but had it wipe out all previous drivers, etc. I have not had any issues this second time around with 10.

I do get lockups every now and then, which is caused by background processes locking the OS for a bit. Booting without the Lock Screen, makes it especially faster. Make sure that you have all updates installed for your machine for the Drivers.

When I first upgraded my laptop which is a core 2 Duo initially booting and running in the beginning were slow and after I'd say 3 or 4 days it all settled down. Now it runs pretty much like did with the 7 premium. My suggestion is to let it run a few days to allow it to do its house keeping.. Then make the call to either go back or not..
I did a Insider install on a machine that I use for test purposes, that is a Intel Core 2 Duo. No problems with it running slow from the beginning.

Of course that was a clean install, no previous windows on the drive.

my wifes laptop was originally a windows 7 unit then upgraded to 8.1 now upgraded to 10... its slower than Christmas on opening files and programs... granted its legacy bios
where I drive for a living shes gotta wait til I get home to do a clean install and see if that improves it... if not i'll put 8.1 back on it ... at least it booted and open stuff faster.....

my system on the other hand is 8.1 originally upgraded to 10
performance is ok... multitasks ok... booting forever but once booted its ok... theres a minute to 2 minute blank screen during boot that I cant seem to fix... and fast boot is enabled bios updated all drivers work some I had to revert to original 8.1 version tho and disable driver auto- update other than that mine seems ok

What i am annoyed by Windows 10