
searching my computer on 10...

When I had 8.1 on the right of my screen I could slide out a window that had a blue background and the first box was a search box. I could type in anything I wanted and it would search my computer for me . I Loved it!!!!!!

There was settings, and power options I think.

Now that I have Windows 10 that window and the options are gone....A black tab opens with ACTION CENTER. No search box. Is there any way I can get it back??????

Thanks for any help.

I never used Windows 8 so I don't know about a search box but this guide helped me do a search in Windows 10.

How to Search for Files and Docs on Windows 10

When I had 8.1 on the right of my screen I could slide out a window that had a blue background and the first box was a search box. I could type in anything I wanted and it would search my computer for me . I Loved it!!!!!!

There was settings, and power options I think.

Now that I have Windows 10 that window and the options are gone....A black tab opens with ACTION CENTER. No search box. Is there any way I can get it back??????

Thanks for any help.
Are you using Windows 10 on a tablet or phone? If you're using the desktop, there should be a big search box right on the taskbar. You can search for files, apps, even stuff on the web.

If you want more fine grained control, you can use the search in File Explorer (upper right corner)

I'm not sure how you can miss it...

I never used Windows 8 so I don't know about a search box
She's talking about searching from the charms bar,

Charms Bar - Open in Windows 8

There is a search option on the right side.

OK thanks, I see what she's talking about now.

OK thanks, I see what she's talking about now.
You're welcome.

Yes, the charms bar. But i don't have that on my Windows 10. Any way to get it back?

as for the search bar on the bottom task bar it does not search my computer it goes to the web to search.

please tell me there is a way to get my charms back.....

Thanks everyone for your input.

Yes, the charms bar. But i don't have that on my Windows 10. Any way to get it back?

please tell me there is a way to get my charms back....
Sorry, the charms bar is gone in Windows 10.

So there is no way to search my computer??? Never should have left 8.1

So there is no way to search my computer??? Never should have left 8.1
Use "Everything" -https://www.voidtools.com/
-It's free and searches . . . Everything!

searching my computer on 10...