
Start menu search not finding applications?


I just upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10.

However once i install programs like Office 2013 i can't find the application exe files by searching in the start menu.
If i search for outlook or word in the start menu nothing shows up, this was not an issue in Windows 7 or Windows 8.

Can anyone confirm if this is a general issue in Windows 10 or do i need to change a setting somewhere?

Your program's should be listed under all app's by clicking on the start button.

All app's, will be in the column on the left side at the bottom.

Click on All app's and it will list them in alphabetical order.

Your program's should be listed under all app's by right clicking on the start button.

All app's, will be in the column on the left side at the bottom.

Thank you for your reply.

The programs are not listed in "all programs" i can however open them by navigating to the exe files in the directory in wich they are installed. From there i can pin them to the start menu, but it's not a very efficient way of managing programs

What version of office are you using. If the latest, do you have the desktop version installed or the web version?

What version of office are you using. If the latest, do you have the desktop version installed or the web version?
I'm using Office 2013 Desktop version.
The problem is not limited to Office programs. I have the same issue with teamviewer, steam, games etc.

Spotify however is showing up trough start menu search, so it's not a problem with all programs

Do you have "All apps" listed after you click on the start button ?

Then a list of apps ?

Do you have "All apps" listed after you click on the start button ?

Then a list of apps ?

I do.

As you can see Outlook 2013 does not show up under "O" in all apps.

OK, try to open any program that does not show now in all apps.
Just open it, don't pin it.

Then see if it show's up listed in all apps.

OK, try to open any program that does not show now in all apps.
Just open it, don't pin it.

Then see if it show's up listed in all apps.
It does not, i tried with Word, Steam, and a couple of games with no luck

Start menu search not finding applications?