
Windows 10 start button fails, search fails restart fails

Not cause by virus .. this just started today. I tried a restore point of yesterday .. nothing. I have tried several suggestions from the web but nothing seems to do it? I know it would be better if i could name them but can't remember the exact commands .. will look for the page again. One dealt with sfc /newscan (or such).

Really need to get this working again .. any ideas or pointers?

Yes, left click on start button and right click on task bar icons does nothing?
Tried flhthemi's suggestion "Open powershell with admin privileges Copy and paste this line at the PS prompt:
Get‐AppXPackage ‐AllUsers | Foreach {Add‐AppxPackage ‐DisableDevelopmentMode ‐Register

Worked once but problem came back and wouldn't work the second time?

Tried the .bat file from AveYo's suggestion, lost my wifi connection and couldn't restart it, had to revert to a previous restore point.

Anyone know a fix for this?


I did try that but it didn't work. The only way i have to get powershell working in admin mode is to cmd with admin the powershell.

Guess this is what i get for a free os

I did try that but it didn't work. The only way i have to get powershell working in admin mode is to cmd with admin the powershell.

Guess this is what i get for a free os
I needed to start an admin console session from the cmd prompt but couldn't find the syntax to start it?

How does one start an admin console session from the "run" cmd prompt?

I had this issue a few days ago after an update installed.

Just a few restarts resolved it.

Also, Windows key + R then enter CMD to open the command. It will run in elevated mode by default.

I had this issue a few days ago after an update installed.

Just a few restarts resolved it.

Also, Windows key + R then enter CMD to open the command. It will run in elevated mode by default.
Did several restarts but still nothing happens when I right click on a task bar icon or left click on the Win 10 Start Button?

I have had to use "Start Menu 8" to get to the Applications but it does not solve the problem.

Ran as suggested and the "Clean-image" is unknown?

It's Cleanup-image.

Sorry about that, old eyes.

DISM did run, only 20% stopped on error 0x800f081f "the source files could not be found"

Yep .. DISM and the powershell thing did error out.

Windows 10 start button fails, search fails restart fails