
I found this thread ....

I have no rights to save to anywhere or do anything, iTunes wouldn't let me sync because I "didn't have enough access privileges" but apparently that was something to do with the pictures, which then links back to me no longer having the rights to do anything on my computer. The answer is probably so close it'll bite me but I just can't see it.

Someone PLEASE help!!! This is driving me nuts!!!

I keep getting the message ... You don't have permission to save in this ;location. Contact the administrator to obtain permission. Would you like to save in the Pictures folder instead?

I get the same message if I try to save in the Picture folder. I am the only one who uses this laptop.

Can you access Control Panel and user accounts. Change your account type to Administrator.

I already did that last night. It shows I am the administrator on it, but I still can't save anything.

I'm having the same problem, and I am listed as the administrator. Very aggravating!

Yeah it shows me as an administrator already. and I can't change to anything other than the standard user. And on top of this, my computer keeps crashing too, fourth time since Monday.

This thread showed my exact problem & someone gave an answer ... It worked for me, I hope it works for you.

Solved Windows 10 says I don't have permission to save anything. - Windows 10 blog

This thread showed my exact problem & someone gave an answer ... It worked for me, I hope it works for you.

Solved Windows 10 says I don't have permission to save anything. - Windows 10 blog
What exactly did you do? Because I go there, but the only new account that I see is this "Account Unknown" and a bunch of numbers at the end. I just want my old computer account, I can't even sign in to that, it's as if it was deleted once I signed in with a Microsoft account.

What exactly did you do? Because I go there, but the only new account that I see is this "Account Unknown" and a bunch of numbers at the end. I just want my old computer account, I can't even sign in to that, it's as if it was deleted once I signed in with a Microsoft account.
I did this .... "
1. Right click an affected folder.
2. Click Properties.
3. Click the Security tab
4. Click the "Advanced" button.
5. Click "Change" next to Owner.
6. Type your username, click the "Check Names" button, then click OK.
7. Check "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" under the owner's name.
8. Click OK again. If you get a message saying "Do you want to replace the directory permissions with permissions granting you full control?", click "Yes" and you're done.
9. Click the "Edit" button.
10. Click on your username from the list.
11. Check "Full control" underneath it.
12. Click OK.
13. Click OK again.

Repeat with all of the problematic folders. "

If this doesn't help you, I hope someone, who knows what to do, answers really soon.

Eh, all I had to do was sign back into my Microsoft account, and I was able to save to the pictures folder, and then the steps you listed work fine, as for my other problems, I've found a workaround for my iTunes, and the crashing I'm just going to have to deal with and hope Microsoft patches it in the future.

I found this thread ....