
Slow boot/shutdown sometimes & Sys Config shows a choice of OS?

The PC of my Wife is suffering occasional slow shutdowns. Interestingly too, sometimes the Wi-Fi icon doesn't come on boot ups and it is very slow connecting to the internet.

Occasionally and recently on start-up we get the option of which OS we want to use on a blue screen

Windows 10 Pro on Volume 3 or
Windows 10 Pro on Volume 1

As far as we understand we have one, W10 Pro (upgraded from W7 Ultimate) on the C drive (an SSD)
MSCONFIG screen shot shows 2 operating systems but there is no Windows on our D drive.

Please, any help welcome.

Please provide a screenshot of the disk management to give us more details about the boot part.
Disk Management - How to Post a Screenshot of - Windows 10 blog

Please provide a screenshot of the disk management to give us more details about the boot part.
Disk Management - How to Post a Screenshot of - Windows 10 blog
Yes, and please make sure to expand the columns so we can see all the info in them.

Thanks for the reply.

I must mention, the system specs here on my profile are not those of the problem PC. I can post them if required.

This computer started normally this morning. The only change I made yesterday after reading topics in here was to turn off Windows Defender (we have NAV installed) and I did remove Malwarebytes Anti-Malware some 2 weeks agon when these problems seemed to start...

Here's the screenshot as requested.

I thought to throw in file explorer screen shots to show there is no Windows on the D drive.

In MSCONFIG you can delete the Windows D: drive reference.

OK, will do and advise.

Here are the specs for this rig.

Any peripheral connected at shutdown?

Any peripheral connected at shutdown?
No, just the standard stuff like wireless KB/mouse, USB wireless network adapter & monitor, and USB speakers. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I am just rebooting and restarting that PC to check for a fix while typing here on mine. I should be able to report back soon

OK, reporting now all is well as my Wife's' PC boots and closes down as it should (and used to) after 12 or so shutdowns & restarts/reboots in testing.

Thanks toaxe0 and NavyLCDR for the assist, it is appreciated

Goodness only knows where that error the appearance of 2 operating systems came from. I guess the PC was in two minds and confused a little

Cheers & marking as solved.

Slow boot/shutdown sometimes & Sys Config shows a choice of OS?