
Recovery Partition that I did not have with 8.1

I didn't know where else to post this weird one. Did the first Win 10 image on a desktop and noticed a Recovery Partition. On one of two desktops.
Both desktops were installed with Windows 7 Pro oem updated to 8.0/8.1/10 which means it never had a Recovery partition to begin with. It is only 450 mb

It has a WindowsRE folder with boot.sdi + ReAgent.xml + Winre.wim files. I can't read the xml file unless I do some fancy footwork. lol

The only difference between the two is that this one has the 100mb partition and the other doesn't.

Any ideas ? If I delete it, I am afraid I my have to do a clean install for a reason I can't see.


It would help if you post the screen shot of disk management for each PC. Also screen shot of the result by opening the Admin command prompt and run: reagentc /info then we can go from there.

Yes, you can delete the recovery partition and expand the system partition into the empty space. A Windows 10 recovery or install drive or disk will do the same function for you.

Yes, you can delete the recovery partition and expand the system partition into the empty space. A Windows 10 recovery or install drive or disk will do the same function for you.
What is the purpose of that 100mb recovery partition please? (I'd really like to know)

See if I got it right

What is the purpose of that 100mb recovery partition please? (I'd really like to know)
Carried over from Windows 7.
First, it holds the Boot Manager code and the Boot Configuration Database. Second, it reserves space for the startup files required by the BitLocker Drive Encryption feature. If you ever decide to encrypt your system drive using BitLocker, you won’t have to repartition your system drive to make it possible.

For Windows 7/8/10, MBR only:
If you install Windows without formatting the drive, leave it unallocated then Windows will create the reserved partition. If you format the drive first then Windows will put thw WinRe tool in C drive and not creating the reserved partition. Of course you won't have the bitlocker feature available.

Nice explanation. I had the two built for me. Got tired of building myself !!

Thank You

Replied to wrong post

Why Me don't break into a thread. Make your own.

topgungcp please reply to me again, thread got screwed up

Recovery Partition that I did not have with 8.1