
Windows 10 use 1gb of ram at idle?

Why Windows 10 use 1gb of ram at idle (32bit)? Can I turn of something? Thats too much. Windows 8.1 used below 500mb.

Also my part of the screen on the left is black. I have radeon 4650, windows found drivers but probably I will need drivers from radeon but on the web there isnt for windows 10 yet, only 8. Should I use them?

I just checked my RAM usage and it is 1.7 gb at complete idle. For me this is significantly less than Linux, so I am pleased.

Well they said it will be like windows 8 at preview, this is kinda bad for me I have only 2gb of ram.
Any solution about screen not fitting up? :/ I just tried to install drivers for windows 8 but intallation failed.

Somehow, auto adjuct on monitor done it after 3rd time. Strange.

I sure hope everything works out for you. Even though Windows 10 is advertised to work with 2 GB RAM, can you upgrade to 4 GB? I think this may solve some of your issues.

One thing to consider is that this is a new install of an operating system, for the first few hours/days the system is likely to be organising, indexing Etc. so will use more RAM than usual, you may find that the base RAM usage will fall back after a short while, if you have a lot of data and are only using the system for short periods his can take some time to complete. I always let a new install run for 36/48 hours unattended for this very reason

One thing to consider is that this is a new install of an operating system, for the first few hours/days the system is likely to be organising, indexing Etc. so will use more RAM than usual, you may find that the base RAM usage will fall back after a short while, if you have a lot of data and are only using the system for short periods his can take some time to complete. I always let a new install run for 36/48 hours unattended for this very reason
I thought this would be quite the opposite. As days goes by you are likely going to use more RAM due to more apps install. The most efficient time is after the OS is newly installed.

Using RAM is a good thing.

Why have extra memory if you're not using it?

Adding applications does not per-se increase RAM usage, it obviously increases storage needs but only when it is actually open and in use does it use RAM, (some applications, of course, have a resident portion that does use RAM, but by no means all)

The processes I am talking about are those that manage data for search etc, which operate in the background to create the required databases to provide a faster experience, when an OS is new these databases are empty and so the system populates them when it can, and then maintains them on the fly as data is created/deleted/modified.

Why Windows 10 use 1gb of ram at idle (32bit)? Can I turn of something? Thats too much. Windows 8.1 used below 500mb.

Also my part of the screen on the left is black. I have radeon 4650, windows found drivers but probably I will need drivers from radeon but on the web there isnt for windows 10 yet, only 8. Should I use them?
Well 4650 is officially compatible, Windows 10 provides generic drivers.
But I gave troubles with 6480, anything bellow 7xxx is considered outdated.
The latest drivers from AMD do not support your GPU (nor mine), probably never will.
As for RAM, you can use CleanMem Free, it never gets old on Windows, mine is ~600MB.

Windows 10 use 1gb of ram at idle?