
Start Menu not clickable at times...

Every once in a whils I lose the ability of opening the start menu either by clicking on it or using the keyboard. In order to restart, I have to hit the reset button. After that, I regain the Start Menu, but that does not last long. Maybe a couple of hours later the same problem is back.

I'm reading your system specs. It says you only have 1 GB of RAM? if that is so, that is a huge problem, as Windows requires a minimum of 2 GB of RAM and 4 or higher is recommended. You should buy some new memory sticks and increase your system RAM to at least 8 GB of RAM. Although you may have more due to a typo.

Also Windows 10 is known to have start menu issues, which there are only a limited number of fixes at this point.

But first, let's resolve the RAM issue. Do you only have 1 GB, or is that a typo?

And, AVAST is highly known for causing start menu issues. Most users have had to uninstall avast to restore start menu functionality

I'm reading your system specs. It says you only have 1 GB of RAM? if that is so, that is a huge problem, as Windows requires a minimum of 2 GB of RAM and 4 or higher is recommended. You should buy some new memory sticks and increase your system RAM to at least 8 GB of RAM. Although you may have more due to a typo.

Also Windows 10 is known to have start menu issues, which there are only a limited number of fixes at this point.

But first, let's resolve the RAM issue. Do you only have 1 GB, or is that a typo?
I updated my system specs probably after you read them. That was my old specs with my first Windows 10 device. I have since got rid of it.
Check my System Specs again. I will continue to update more details on it later to when I get a chance.

My wife has identical system specs on her PC, but without the start meny problems. We both use AVAST.

The problem doesn't happen on every system. A bunch of Antivirus programs have cause start menu and taskbar issues. Norton so far is the worst, but they are releasing patches to fix those issues.

The start menu is also having issues with those who may have a ton of apps installed from the Windows Store. Uninstalling apps you don't use could fix the problem.

Also, try creating a new user account. Sometimes a user profile could get corrupted and cause taskbar and start menu failures.

Ultimately, check your drivers and make sure all of them are up to date. I had a friend who had an AMD graphics card issue with the start menu starting to have issues after being on for an hour or so. After updating to the crimson drivers, the problem stopped.

If all else fails, you may need to consider backing up your files and doing a refresh, or resetting your PC, or, fully wiping your drive and doing a clean installation of Windows.

If the issue persists after a reinstallation, the problem is going to be hardware related unfortunately

I would suggest, that you first check which application is causing a problem.

Try Event viewer, or if you are not experienced user, click start and type reliability. It will look like this:
then run it and see if there are any problems.

Every once in a whils I lose the ability of opening the start menu either by clicking on it or using the keyboard. In order to restart, I have to hit the reset button. After that, I regain the Start Menu, but that does not last long. Maybe a couple of hours later the same problem is back.
Cortana does something similar for me . . . sometimes have to click on it 4 or 5 times before it responds, as if it is 'waking-up'(?).

That does not work for me. When I want to turn down the system volume at night when I retire, I have to right click on the audio controls in the tray to set it lower. This is a real PITA.

Start Menu not clickable at times...