I have (well had) three 3GB GTX 580's and I sent one to EVGA to get a replacement and they are sending me a 4GB GTX 960. My remaining two 3GB GTX 580's are faster than the single GTX 960. Can I keep using my two 3GB GTX 580's in SLI and then just output 4K using the 4GB GTX 960? So 580's for the graphics and the 960 to output 4K (Via HDMI 2.0).
No, you can't SLI such different GPUs.
Hey Mike! Thanks for the reply! I'm not wanting to do SLI with the 960. I want to have my 960 separate. 580's in SLI, then the 960 just for the 4K output and as a PhysX processor.
Wow, never tried that but it's sure you'll end up with two different display sets on two monitors. Now if you could swap those two 580s for one 960 even another make you'd be sitting pretty. Physics is largely a software based so good CPU should cover that.
Got my 960 and when I try hooking it up the way I described I get no signal. So I went to just one 4GB 960. Very pleased with the results! It's in some ways faster than my two 580's. With the same settings in GTA V (1080P) I would get 60FPS in the city and 20FPS outside the city. My 960 does a consistant 40-50FPS everywhere in the game. So somethings are faster and some aren't. Kinda odd. Though I'm very satisfied with it, all I play 90% of the time is Rocksmith 2014 and it has no problem going 4K 60FPS (with every possible driver enhancement) so I'm good! Plays all my games better than a console would so I cannot complain!
Thanks for the help Mike, appreciate you taking the time.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
SLI can be trouble and it's never ideal, that's why what's on paper doesn't necessarily mean in practice. Dx12 is promising to reconcile SLI with different GPUs, just got to wait for games to start using it.
Just bought a Monster Black Platinum Ultimate HD HDMI Cable so I could do 12bpc on my TV, but the option doesn't show up in the Control Panel. Any idea why? I returned my $30 4K HDMI for a $150 HDMI so I could go to 12bpc. Worked at 1080P. Old HDMI was 18GBPS this one is 27.5GBPS so it should have no trouble with bandwidth.
Does the GTX 960 support 12bpc at UHD resolution? (Not a rhetorical question.)
Just checked. The choices I get at UHD with a Titan X are 8 and 10bpc, over a DP connection. (60 Hz frame rate.)
I'd say something snarky about you being taken by a $150 HDMI cable, but I've (mostly) wasted a bit more than that with a Titan X.
As far as I'm aware yes the GTX 960 should support 4K 12bpc. Don't know why it won't show up in the Control Panel. I'd be happy even with just 10bpc, bought a Nano Crystal TV and would like to take advantage of the extra detail.
Ha ha, yeah don't blame you for wanting to say something about buying a $150 HDMI. Was told that I'm stuck at 8bpc unless I get a faster HDMI and I was only paying $50 of the cost so I was like why not just get the best I can then. I got a $150 HDMI and a $200 GPU because I don't game much, just use my PC for Photoshop CS6 and as a giant picture frame with my 55" TV. So I'm more concerned about quality than performance. Titan Z would be awesome but I'd rather spend my cash on a new sound system that I'd use daily.
Thanks for the reply Bobkn. I'll keep looking to see if I can figure out how to get 10 or 12 bpc. Let me know if you find anything.