So I just updated to windows 10. and first thing i go to do is turn up my saturation, nvidia control panel doesnt work, i go to my device manager looks like my graphics card isnt even installed, i install it and restart pc, nvidia control panel still doesnt work, I install geforce experience, that wont launch either.
Nightmare, but I managed to fix things on my computer.
First I stopped Microsoft updates.
Then uninstalled every NVIDIA program/driver/utility I could find and (IMPORTANT) deleted the install folders!
To stop Windows 10 updates do this...
Open the start menu and type "Advanced"
Select the second result, "View Advanced System Settings"
In the "System Properties" window that just opened, select the hardware tab
Click the "Device Installation Settings" button
Select "No, let me choose what to do"
Select the "Never install driver software from Windows Update"
To boot into safe mode do this...
Type msconfigand open the System Configurationutility.
Click "Boot" and check the "Safe Boot" option.
Next time you boot into Windows 10 it will be in 'Safe Mode.'
Install the following driver...
Do NOT install the GForce Experienceand do not update the graphics driver to the newer version.
I dunno if this will work for you, but it sorted out my problems.
Incredibly, even after I had disabled Windows updates the crafty twat STILL downloaded an NVIDIA driver.
Now I get pop up alerts from the task bar whining that it can't do the update!
Microsoft... Inching it's way slowly into the past!
so i skipped like all those steps, and just installed the driver from nvidia's site. it looks like microsoft didnt include everything.