Hello folks, my first post here. Short bio: 63 years old. Bought first desktop 2009 w/ Windows 7 Home, 4GB Ram, weenie video card. Found the Windows 7 forum, people there very generous, learning all the time. Got into photography, editing with Adobe Lightroom. LR came out with new version that performed upgraded tasks that my machine couldn't handle. Added 4 more GB Ram, by myself; so proud! Started using photo editing plug-ins from Topaz Labs, machine handled, but slowly. Topaz then came out with a super plug-in that required OpenGL 3.2 or higher, and at least 1GB of dedicated memory to open the application, 2GB or more recommended for optimal performance. Ground my poor little HP to a halt. Bought new computer with Windows 10 installed, and have been migrating back and forth between computers with W7 and W10, taking baby steps, digging W10 more and more as I pick it up. Thanks for bearing with me. Here's my question:
I got a pop-up on my desktop from Nvidia saying there's a driver update for my card (GeForce GTX650), went to Nvidia website, the update is GeForce Game Ready Driver. Now I do absolutely no gaming, so if it ain't broke...I figure I do not need this driver update. Question: How would I determine which driver updates I would need for my card? Thanks in advance, I'll be perusing this forum a lot.. The tutorials are excellent!
Hi and welcome.
All the Nvidia drivers since August 2015 have been called Game Ready so don't let that influence you. However, most updates to the Nvidia drivers have been to support new graphics cards and to improve some gaming experience.
If your system is performing to your liking, I would not necessarily update the drivers. Just my opinion.
Thank you kindly.
You're most welcome.
I would say that you should update your NVIDIA driver as soon as an update is released. I'm very religious about doing this.
Thank you for your response. I'm a bit inexperienced, therefore leery about this. The updated driver appears to be gaming specific. I do not game whatsoever, so do I really need to do this, since I have no problems with my current card? Could it potentially cause problems? This is the whole point of my inquiry.
As I said previously, no you do not need to update the driver. Some people update just because it is there and not because it is needed.
Go to Nvidia's forum and see that many users will update a driver and then find it necessary to revert because of issues. If your system is working, I would advise not to update.
Works for me, thanks.
just because its the latest driver doesn't mean its a must have update.
take the last few updates, they make my PC lock up randomly so I'm still on 59.10 the highest stable one for me