Hi There
Recently did a Clean Windows 10 Install to clean up system further since January, anyways now can't receive pictures on skype, reinstalled Avast on advice from online friend that I needed that for better security protection, well anyways now can't receive pictures on skype at all, text messaging working fine, and I assume calling working fine, haven't tested calling yet.
Windows 10 Pro 64bit
Avast 12.1.2272
Tried resetting skype twice already
Here is Skype connection dump if that helps any
MSNP: Connection Data (MSNP24):
* Status: NetStateConnected
* Server Current: s.gateway.messenger.live.com
* Server Saved: s.gateway.messenger.live.com
* Login: amd*******outlook.com (Token)
* Skypename: bike [linked]
* EPID: 433a23bd-c00c-246a-d5e4-8581ef4b759a
* ClientVersion: 0/
* OSVersion: Windows 10.0 (build
* Time: TZ: UTC-4, Server: 1466871162, Local: 1466871161
* Connection: IF: 0 DC: 0 RC: direct
* B: 0 CS:[B:0 S:0] MO:1
* Recent connect: s.gateway.messenger.live.com @ 2016-06-25T15:39:23Z
* Recent connect: s.gateway.messenger.live.com @ 2016-06-24T17:35:28Z
* Recent connect: s.gateway.messenger.live.com @ 2016-06-24T17:16:19Z
* Push: None (Unregistered)
Any other advice?
Was issue on Friends end, all resolved now
I've got a Dell Inspiron W10 Home x64 system here with Avast and Skype installed fresh yesterday. Skype is working fine, and pictures are downloading. I don't know what you mean by resettingSkype, but I would completely uninstall it. Then, I would go to Control Panel>Programs and Features, select Avast, and select MODIFY, then uninstall all but the features shown here:
Then, I would reinstall Skype and see if the problem is resolved.
Let us know how it goes.
I fixed it I think, but i'll redo Avast features anyways shortly here, and fix that up as well. Only other component I don't have unchecked right now is home network security, but will fix that up right away, and be all set I think
What did you do that you think fixed it?
The only thing the network security scan does is check to see if you've changed the default password for your router.
Well Friend stated he wasn't seeing my pictures I sent, or he sent, cause of spybot windows 10 telemetry blocker he had installed, all the trouble shooting I did, and wasn't even on my end lol.
Will fix Avast shortly here just gotta finish a few tasks, then will get that done, and think all set now
Tell your Friend to get rid of Spybot altogether and use something more well-respected, like MBAM and SuperAntiSpyware, and stop worrying about Windows Telemetry.
Please mark the thread as solved. Cheers!