
New User


Just updated my build 10161 to build 10166 and have straight away come across a problem.

My user account is an Administration one but when I edited a notepad file and went to save it I got an access denied error, and a note to see my administrator.

Any ideas on this problem?

regards... Colin

Where is the default saving to?

Certain areas of the OS are protected to stop saving into them, if this is you user area, have a look at the properties in explorer to see if you still have full access


Just updated my build 10161 to build 10166 and have straight away come across a problem.

My user account is an Administration one but when I edited a notepad file and went to save it I got an access denied error, and a note to see my administrator.

Any ideas on this problem?

regards... Colin
Local or Domain account...

Maybe corrupted profile during upgrade or mis-configured your profile groupstage.

Try creating a new local account:

Right-Click Start button --> Computer Management --> Local Users and Groups --> Users:

Check that your current local user is in the Administrator group and add a New User and make sure to toss it into the Administrators Group as well to see if you can replicate the issue under the new user.


Thank for quick reply.

The problem is that all settings, directories etc are exactly the same as in the previous builds of win 10 and previous versions of windows so I would have expected there to be no problem.

I have discovered that I cannot save any files with either notepad or wordpad but I can with notepad ++, strange.

Checked security and permissions, all present & correct. Where now

Does the same issue occur under a different user account with admin privileges?

I, too, am having this experience except that my permissions have been changed, and this problem for me also is only under build 10166. For some reason, every directory has been marked "Read-only." I have attempted to change the attributes back, but even after granting administrator approval and waiting for it to complete the process for every subdirectory and file, it instantly reverts back to read-only. Not sure what to try next.... For now, my workaround is to save my documents to OneDrive/SkyDrive, but that is an unworkable solution long-term because I often have to do work in the absence of Internet connectivity.


Thank for quick reply.

The problem is that all settings, directories etc are exactly the same as in the previous builds of win 10 and previous versions of windows so I would have expected there to be no problem.

I have discovered that I cannot save any files with either notepad or wordpad but I can with notepad ++, strange.

Checked security and permissions, all present & correct. Where now

For some bizarre reason that is how MS decided that the Properties window should display the "Read-only" attribute on folders (it's been like that since at least W7).

Cincinnatux I was curious so I checked and mine is the same "read only" at the document folder level, if you select an item in the folder and check properties there are no restrictions. It seems the "read only" is only checked when selecting the entire folder and not for individual items inside the folder.

At least that's how mine is, I'm on 10166 logged in with MSA admin user.

Poynder I just tried what you described and no troubles with denied access or anything, tried a couple different ways, one just a "save", another used "save as" I have also just upgraded to 10166 a couple days ago and it seems most things work ok, I'm signed in on MSA, admin account.

Task bar auto hide for me still doesn't work sometimes, it does work ok most times, just here and there it doesn't unhide or hide. When I click show desktop using the tiny rectangle next to the clock it starts working. I can't find any correlation to something I'm doing or not doing when it happens. I'm convinced all will be fixed on the release version .

Sorry for delay in updating but one thing led to another and I ended up doing a clean re-install of build 10162.

On the way to the re build I tried setting up another user as suggested. This account worked fine as far as I could see, at least the original problem had gone away.

On reverting back to my original account and trying other things it soon became apparent that my profile had been corrupted. The whole system seemed to be acting oddly, don't as what or why as at my age I tend to forget what led to what.

In the end as I said I did a clean install of build 10162, I have yet to update to build 10166 as it does not even show as a update.

Thanks for the help and suggestions.


New User