
Cant upgrade to windows 10 using insider app

i have genuine windows 7 pro sp1 installed on my i5 laptop and i wanted to install latest windows 10 build in my laptop so i downloaded this
and run windows 10 insider preview app. it said getting ready to update for few minutes and then it opened windows updates and windows updates after checking for updates said that no updates are available.. i have restarted windows but problem is same. any ideas? what to do

Bump! anyone please?

Please only post this question one time.. it will be addressed if someone can help you out.
And.. where did you get the exe from?? I've never heard of it before. When I did an upgrade from Win8.1 to Win10 for a test I used the ISO.


In any case the link is clean, I checked it with Virus total online it came up:

URL already analysed

This URL was last analysed by VirusTotal on 2015-07-11 13:53:31 UTC, it was first analysed by VirusTotal on 2015-04-30 06:19:57 UTC.
Detection ratio: 0/63
You can take a look at the last analysis or analyse it again now.

Please only post this question one time.. it will be addressed if someone can help you out.
And.. where did you get the exe from?? I've never heard of it before. When I did an upgrade from Win8.1 to Win10 for a test I used the ISO.

its a Microsoft insider software to upgrade using windows update... i dont want to upgrade from iso

its a Microsoft insider software to upgrade using windows update... i dont want to upgrade from iso
1. I've never heard of that before and I doubt many here have either since we have updated from either the Windows Update or an ISO.

2. Only start one thread with a question not two. It's hard for others to help you out when a subject is spread out like this.


its a Microsoft insider software to upgrade using windows update... i dont want to upgrade from iso
Unfortunately I think you have to. I don't think they offer the 'Upgrade Assistant' as a separate utility any more, it's built into the iso when you mount it and click 'Setup'. It will let you know if your PC is compatible or not.
It ends up being the same procedure with the exception of having to download a large file first.

Cant upgrade to windows 10 using insider app