
Hide/Remove OneDrive in File Manager on Windows 10

I would like the OneDrive icon to be hidden/removed from File Explorer on my 64 bit Windows 10 Home device. I find the same steps all over the that don't seem to work for me involving setting two flags in the registry as follows:

Set the System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree DWORD value to 0 for both of the following:


I've set them both on and off, restarting inbetween, several times but it doesn't seem to affect OneDrive in the File Manager. The other option presented is ripping OneDrive out completely but that doesn't seem to work for me as well. Those instructions involve killing the OneDrive process and then removing it using the following commands:

64-bit edition of Windows 10: %SystemRoot%System32OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall
32-bit edition of Windows 10: %SystemRoot%SysWOW64OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall

I've though I'm running 64-bit Windows 10 I don't even have OneDriveSetup.exe in my System32 folder. I do have it in my SysWoW64 folder but when I run it with the /uninstall switch nothing seems to happen and the OneDrive icon remains in File Explorer.

Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you!

Hello Arsenal,

The tutorial below can help show you how to remove OneDrive from the navigation pane in File Explorer.

OneDrive - Add or Remove from Navigation Pane in Windows 10

I would like the OneDrive icon to be hidden/removed from File Explorer on my 64 bit Windows 10 Home device. I find the same steps all over the that don't seem to work for me involving setting two flags in the registry as follows:

Set the System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree DWORD value to 0 for both of the following:


I've set them both on and off, restarting inbetween, several times but it doesn't seem to affect OneDrive in the File Manager. The other option presented is ripping OneDrive out completely but that doesn't seem to work for me as well. Those instructions involve killing the OneDrive process and then removing it using the following commands:

64-bit edition of Windows 10: %SystemRoot%System32OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall
32-bit edition of Windows 10: %SystemRoot%SysWOW64OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall

I've though I'm running 64-bit Windows 10 I don't even have OneDriveSetup.exe in my System32 folder. I do have it in my SysWoW64 folder but when I run it with the /uninstall switch nothing seems to happen and the OneDrive icon remains in File Explorer.

Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you!
Navigate to:


Right click on the Key and Export it first, then Delete it.
The affect should be immediate.

EDIT: I should add that you should sign out of/disable and/or exit OneDrive first, and you won't be able to access the folder from any other location until you set up OneDrive anew.
Hence the importance of exporting the Key first.

Edwin you are the man. I'd seen that key when I was bouncing around finding the two I set above but had no idea what to do with it. Just a question for my own knowledge, would the key delete you describe make my two registry settings unnecessary or are all three required (two toggles and a delete)?

Thank you sir!

Hide/Remove OneDrive in File Manager on Windows 10