
Start button not working, build 9926

Start button not working is a known problem and is supposed to be fixed by KB3034229. That update does not show in Windows Update. I also tried a direct download from

But I get "not applicable" when I try to install it.

I also tried the registry fix adding DWORD vakue of EnableXamlStartMenuto


which seemed to work until I rebooted then it stopped. Now nothing I do makes the Start button work.

Change value of EnableXamlStartMenu from 1 to 0, rebooted and Start button works again. I had previously changed it from 0 to 1 as it wasn't working so I don't think this is a permanent fix. Need to find out how to install KB3034229 for a perm fix. Any ideas?

Maybe the next build will fix it. It's supposed to be available some time the last week of Feb.

Hope so.

Start button is still working so far.

MS just released some updates today that may help.

MS just released some updates today that may help.
The current/recent updates were to get systems ready for the next build and I doubt they had any patches included in them.


Do you have a link? I'd like to know what was included in the updates. When I looked I couldn't find any info on the recent updates.

Do you have a link? I'd like to know what was included in the updates. When I looked I couldn't find any info on the recent updates.
I don't but by now you should be able to Google on the KB's and see if there is any information from MS on the updates.


When I tried yesterday I couldn't find anything.

When I tried yesterday I couldn't find anything.
Here are the details for one of them: KB3038930

And: Windows 10 build 9926 gets KB3040021 and KB3038930 in preparation for the next build â


Start button not working, build 9926