From where do you guys download the 10049 .iso.This MS link does not tell you which build it is. I want to make a new install and not update.
You wont find it. It will not be available until released on the slow track. Until then you can use Kari's ESD to ISO tut
ESD to ISO - Create Bootable ISO from Windows 10 ESD File - Windows 10 blog
You have to create one from the install.esd file.
Thanks guys. Why do they make my life so difficult. Now I have to look where to find the 10049 .esd.
Just follow the instruction that Kari wrote up.. I did last night and they work just fine.
They are trying to make sure everyone is happy, which will never happen. You can wait a few days until they release it for the slow ring, or convert it as Kari's tut shows. Good luck
I got my iso a bit differently. I needed only 2 clicks and the ESD to ISO conversion was done in 6 minutes. If you are interested to see the process and the tool to do it yourself, download my little tutfrom my OneDrive.
Thank you, sir.
MS have stated there won't an ISO until 10049 hits the slow ring and I suspect that will be true for most future build releases.
Thanks BunnyJ I have spent over 12 hours on two machines and right now the Dell is saying it is restoring my previous version.
new memory will be here friday.
I have done the esd before and I will start on that road.
the laptop that I had Ubuntu on and used virtual box to install the upgrade took over 6 hours no erros and came and I could not get the desktop to come up.
so will try this way with the esd as I don't want my real system to update. it is on the slow track and is there a way to prevent updates?