Hi All
Recently did a Clean Windows 10 Install, Including a system image of the system after the clean install, Thinking may do one more clean up prior to Anniversary update then just update to it, and all is good
Avast is used for Antivirus protection right now, Malwarebytes Free as well, Firestorm viewer is my most used Secondlfie viewer, requires flash plugin, utorrent was installed to get a Linux iso for other machine (since wireless kept acting up on other system)
Seems decent, I have not actually seen such a clean setup in years.
I would get rid of Java, it is worse than flash, but I guess you need it.
Yeah might need it for Firestorm, not sure, I guess I could try removing it, and see if any program requires it
I would uninstall (not only disable them) all resident AV and antimalware programs just before the upgrade, they are known to make problems at that time.
It's very likely something requires Java and uninstalling it might break the application.
Yeah Libreoffice ended up requiring Java, so all reinstalled, and all is well I think for the moment--3rd party Antivirus/Malwarebytes i'll uninstall prior to installing the upcoming Anniversary update
I would definitely do that (and never re-install them, but that's just me and a bunch of other forum members' opinion here). I would also do a good hard drive cleanup using option 2 here:
Disk Cleanup - Open and Use in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog
Yup will do Disk cleanup as well, PC pretty clean after clean install, but won't hurt to tidy up prior to Anniversary update late in july, And I should've never reinstalled resident av in the first place after the clean install, but live and learn
Avast has own uninstaller you can download and it does good job of removing it.
Don't forget sfc /scannow and dism.
Yes I knew on Avast uninstaller, and sfc /scannow and dism commands, will be sorted with that items in just a bit here, doing some other tasks currently, minor file backup, pictures and a little music, and such, this shouldn't take too long lol I don't think