
Solid color login screen?


Does anyone know how to make ones login screen solid color? I tried the regfix at How to Change the Login Screen Background on Windows 10 but it doesn't seem to work here in Windows 10 Pro.


Hello bulldows,

If you like, you could disable the sign-in screen background image to have a solid color background instead.

Sign-in Screen Background Image - Enable or Disable in Windows 10

Hello bulldows,

If you like, you could disable the sign-in screen background image to have a solid color background instead.

Sign-in Screen Background Image - Enable or Disable in Windows 10
Thank you - but the .reg key from the HowToGeek article looks just the same doesn't it?

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00  [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsSystem] "DisableLogonBackgroundImage"=dword:00000001

Yeah, it's the same method. I'm not sure what went wrong for you, but it does still work. At least in my Windows 10 Pro.

What are you seeing instead?

Do you have any other policies set that may be overriding this one?

Nope, no policies, and seeing pretty much the same backgrounds as always. I'm on Windows 10 Pro as well.

Just to verify, you downloaded and merged step 3 below for the sign-in screen below?

Sign-in Screen Background Image - Enable or Disable in Windows 10

Yes sir!

Some other modifications I've done:

- Classic Shell: Classic Shell - Start menu and other Windows enhancements
- Ribbon Disabler: Ribbon Disabler for Windows 8

In that case, double check to see if one those programs may have an option that is overriding this one.


It appears the reason is that I've disabled automatic updates, and disabling the login screen background image is something only available to recent updates.

Big ups to the RibbonDisabler author for helping me get to the bottom of this.


Great news. Thank you for posting back with your results.

Solid color login screen?