
Sorry, I missed Option 2 but had already tried Options 1 and 3

Please do not refer me to System/Advanced/Visual settings. I've removed every check mark in there referring to shadows and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING has changed. These shadows are making me go blind. I absolutely cannot read them.

Any suggestions that work would be greatly appreciated. I've been fighting this problem for weeks. I'm to the end of my rope and the knot is slipping. Nothing should be this difficult to change.


I made a registry tweak ( see screens and had no pb to get rid of shadows )



path in regedit to tweak and change value from 1 to 0

Logoff needed to see changes

I was so pleased to see your suggestion as with all my searching I had not seen this suggestion before. I opened Regedit and this entry was already set to zero. So, I set it to 1, rebooted, but no change to the shadows. So I changed the entry to zero, rebooted, and again, no change to the shadows. I think the computer gods are mad at me.

I upgraded to Windows 10 from 8.1 a little over a month ago and have not been able to do anything I normally do on my computer because I've spent all my time trying to get Windows 10 to work correctly. I have managed to solve most of the major problems, with lots of help from people on the internet. Now I'm down to the smaller problem problems like this one. They may be smaller, but they are no less aggravating.

Thank you for trying to help me. I do appreciate your time. Maybe someone else out there will have something else I can try.

Please do not refer me to System/Advanced/Visual settings. I've removed every check mark in there referring to shadows and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING has changed.
I did read this, but just to be sure, there is no check mark in the last entry?



You might find this hard to believe.
I just tried it and it works. See screenshot..........................

The answer is from Seven blog tutorial: Yes the tutorial is for Win 7. I just tried it and it works on my Win 10 Home.

Go toOption Two.
Step #2 > click the Download button and continue from step # 3 to step #7.
Reboot afterwards.

I wish it was that simple. I tried that at least two weeks ago and there was no change. In fact, there are three items there that mention shadows and I uncheck all of them, just in case. Nope, no change. And just to be sure, just this moment I went back in and looked and they are all still UN-checked. I took a screen shot and attached it. I tried to copy it inline but it came out thumbnail size, totally unreadable. I've never seen an attachment work like that before, so I hope you received it. My file was a jpg but it looks like it uploaded a png file. If there is anything else I need to uncheck, or if you need additional information, please let me know.

I was not referring to Option One of my tutorial link.
I was referring to Option Two.
Please read my last reply again.

Based on previous research I had already done Options 1 and 3. I was in a hurry because my electricity was off and I was trying to finish before my battery died and I didn't see Option 2.

The power is back and I just now did Option 2 and there is no change. This is a stubborn little bugger, isn't it? I attached a screen print to show what it looks like now, actually, it has always looked like this.

@ morlaine:
you don't have any restrictions set in Group Policy?

Sorry, I missed Option 2 but had already tried Options 1 and 3