
Completely turn off Windows Firewall in Windows 10

Prior to installing my ZoneAlarm, I wanna completely turn off my windows 10 firewall, for some reason, and it must be done only via registry:

Control PanelSystem and SecurityWindows FirewallCustomize Settings

> Turn off Windows Firewall = For both Private and Public Networks!
How can I do it via registry? I found a snippet but didn't work for my Windows 10, am I somewhere wrong or it should have some changes to work?!

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesSharedAccessParametersFirewallPolicyStandard Profile]

Why registry? It's easy to do via Control Panel and should be something you only have to do once.

omg, must be from registry, to prepare a huge .reg file for preparing tens of OEM pcs each week and configure them right after installation just with a single click.
I don't know why most of my questions are answered by putting my question under another question!

I use a command for it, because it is one of those things, that can not be done via registry.

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

Note, that you could disable Windows Firewall service via registry, but it would also cripple store.
I used reg files as well, but batch files allow more commands, which are sometimes unavoidable.

You can use this to convert reg to bat: Reg Converter v1.0 Yogesh

Thanks TairikuOkami

Why registry? It's easy to do via Control Panel and should be something you only have to do once.
Doesn't work for me through control panel. It just turns itself back on right away. I've tried it half a dozen times with the same result. It won't stay off. Got any other ideas?

Doesn't work for me through control panel. It just turns itself back on right away. I've tried it half a dozen times with the same result. It won't stay off. Got any other ideas?
I have the same problem, will post solution if I find one.

FYI - I am looking at the same issue and would appreciate any solution. I use Synergy to use a headless PC from my desktop and the Private profile has to be turned off to work, but it turns itself back on within seconds.

FYI - I am looking at the same issue and would appreciate any solution. I use Synergy to use a headless PC from my desktop and the Private profile has to be turned off to work, but it turns itself back on within seconds.
Found a fix. You need to disable the windows firewall service in services (services.msc) and restart your computer.

Yes, I know I can kill the firewall completely, but it's just the private profile that is causing my problem.

Completely turn off Windows Firewall in Windows 10