
facebook locks up

don't use facebook much but tried it a few time now with IE and each time it fugged up when typing a message as soon as I click on the reply button ,it fixed it self but all I typed was gone

Have ya tried with a different browser..??

Internet explorer is the best browser to download another one.

So try a different browser and tell us what is happening ...

I assume a typo
. Internet explorer is the best browser to download another one. ]
I like and use IE 11 on my win8.1 install ,only browser installed actually ,I guess its all what you get use to .but I did install chrome on win10 and will give it a try later ,on win8 right now , thanks

Hi and welcome to windowssh blog,
Try getting rid of Microsoft compatibility view lists,
Open ie,
Use Alt+TB or Gear symbol on the top right and click on Comp-view Settings,
Uncheck use Microsoft lists,

After unchecking and saving/ Close.

use Alt+TD or Gear symbol/ Safety/ Delete browser history,
Uncheck the top box and check All others/ Delete.

Close ie and re-open and test the issue,

Hi and welcome to windowssh blog,
Try getting rid of Microsoft compatibility view lists,
Open ie,
Use Alt+TB or Gear symbol on the top right and click on Comp-view Settings,
Uncheck use Microsoft lists,

After unchecking and saving/ Close.

use Alt+TD or Gear symbol/ Safety/ Delete browser history,
Uncheck the top box and check All others/ Delete.

Close ie and re-open and test the issue,
thank you for the info ,did as suggested ,but cant check it out till I use facebook for chat again .

Hi no problem,
If you end up with the same issue use Gear symbol and Manage add-ons,
Disable Adobe Shockwave element and refresh the page see if that helps if not :/
Switch to Software rendering,


I just used it to send message and it didn't freeze up, but I have to add that last night i did a system restore back to before I install any 3rd party apps, because it stopped sleeping when I install malwarebytes pro and the new ccleaner

Hi and thanks for the update,
Did you have to use anything from my post # 7?

Yikes a little early for ccleaner
As far as MBAM is that the new Beta version ?
Please say No

Hi and thanks for the update,
Did you have to use anything from my post # 7?

Yikes a little early for ccleaner
As far as MBAM is that the new Beta version ?
Please say No
lol, I live on the edge ,just install what ever ,not using 10 now as most of the stuff I use is on my win8 drive .thank for your help

facebook locks up