
Sometimes i get low fps.

So as the title says, sometimes I get low fps. Like the game is running fine (30fps) and bam! 20 fps and lower and i dont know whats causing it. I tried multiple games and its all the same. Drivers are updated.
I have laptop with nvidia 740m, i7-4702mq and almost 12 gb of ram.

So as the title says, sometimes I get low fps. Like the game is running fine (30fps) and bam! 20 fps and lower and i dont know whats causing it. I tried multiple games and its all the same. Drivers are updated.
I have laptop with nvidia 740m, i7-4702mq and almost 12 gb of ram.
Does it stay low after it drops or does it pop back up to 30 and the drop again later? If it stays low, maybe something in the background that's running has a memory leak.

It pops back. I looked in task manager when it was happening andi didnz see some unusual activity.

Have you tried older or beta drivers to see if the problem still exists? Maybe it's just a bad driver set.

I'm using nvidia 341.44 driver and I have low fps sometimes, but it's only when i start a game or start watching a video. I saw the antimalware service executable using 30-50% of my cpu but i don't think that's the issue.
My way to fix it is by alt tabbing a few times, refreshing and clicking on the taskbar.

I didn't try older drivers so I will try that tonight when I get home.

and jack I start altaving too and sometimes it looks like it was the altabing what fixed but I don't think that's proper solution.

Well i tried older driver and I had 20 and under all the time. So I am reverting to newest driver.
And I guess i will have to wait for new driver because I have no idea what's causing it.

it might be the "stupid" new streaming service that hassles up with the nvidia. i experienced crashes and memory hogs/leaks up to a unplayable point. i reported it to MS back then but it was with the older builds of win10, no more after clean installs of 10125-> 130 -> 135 and now 162

Well I upgraded driver to beta driver 353.49 (came out on 9.7 I think) and it seems that my problems are gone. No more FPS drops. Thanks guys for trying to help me .

Seems you got it worked out, but if you haven't already you might look to see if there are any updated system drivers for your laptop. My motherboard manufacturer (Gigabyte) just came out with new Win 10 compatible drivers, which seem to help some games run a little smoother (was getting lag spikes prior).

Sometimes i get low fps.