
Stolen asus laptop s/n f6n0cv02692323a

Hi guys, new to this forum and requesting any possible help. My laptop has been stolen and I didn't have any tracking program installed. Is there any way it can be located again? It also has a password on the startup lockscreen but I am not sure if they can wipe the pc and my password would be obsolete. I have all the model number, serial numbers etc. I even contacted asus but they can only flag it with hopes that the person makes a request to them and then they can try to help. Any help would be appreciated. I am trying with dropbox but I do not think that would work seeing that they would need to wipe the laptop to use it because of my password.

You should report the theft to local police but the chances of seeing the laptop again are slim.

I did but they aren't much help in my country. There are police cctv cameras at the end of the street and cameras on apartment buildings and I'm begging the officers to check them since Friday. Corruption....unless you know someone with a high position you would just be another unheard voice. Imagine I called multiple times and the officer assigned to my case hasn't even contacted me yet. I can't give up hope though...I am doing my own research to see if I can track it down.

Have you tried Find My Device in Windows 10 Settings? I have never tried it, but it might be worth a shot.

I'm trying but I'm not getting it to work. On my devices screen I'm not getting to click any options

Have you tried Find My Device in Windows 10 Settings? I have never tried it, but it might be worth a shot.
I'm trying but I'm not getting it to work. On my devices screen I'm not getting to click any options
I think, in order to use Find My Device, you have to turn it on first. Being as how the laptop is already stolen, you can't turn it on now.

For future reference, your next laptop needs to have Preyinstalled immediately.

Good luck! I feel for you.

Yeah thanks...I really lapsed by not installing prey but i rarely go out with my laptop. I was going by a friend to spend the night and just stopped off by another so I didnt bother to take it out and because it was in my bag with my clothes I didnt feel insecure. But a thief just needs an opportunity. I really hope I can get it back though.

Did you make backups of your personal files? If not then there's another procedure you need to introduce.

Hello Criston007:

Do you know your ASUS laptop's MAC address(es)?

I can not find where you have revealed the full ASUS model number.

Might be best to put the word out to the local pawn shops to keep an eye out for it. Hopefully they will co-operate knowing that it is illegal for them to accept stolen merchandise. I know, this happens all the time, but wouldn't hurt nonetheless.

Or you could call these shops & ask if they happen to have a model laptop matching yours. If they do, take a trip down there & see if the numbers match.

Stolen asus laptop s/n f6n0cv02692323a